
Saturday, November 13, 2010

According To AP , Egypt Is Worried About The IAEA

AP has published a very interesting report : Egypt worries about IAEA probe

If you remember in May 2009 there were traces of uranium that were discovered in Egypt. Despite the Egyptian denial ,there was an official IAEA report and the Egyptian regime media used that report to attack ElBaradei and showed that he was biased against his own country.

It seem that the story has not ended as today AP published exclusive report stating that Egypt is too concerned with the reports about our nuclear activities currently and that these reports can make us the latest member of the nuke club in the region aside of Syria and Iran.

The latest report, shared in part with The Associated Press, seemed to reflect a growing sense that Yukiya Amano, who replaced Mohamed ElBaradei in December as IAEA chief, has less tolerance than his predecessor for nations under nuclear scrutiny that use delaying tactics to undermine investigations.

Amano has been more directly critical of both Tehran and Damascus than ElBaradei, a stance that apparently stoked Egyptian worry.

Because the Mubarak regime media claimed that Dr. ElBaradei was standing about our nuclear program and he wanted to embarrassed his own country for suggesting someone else than him for the IAEA position !! 

Already contrary to what the AP claims ElBaradei was careful not to be biased to Egypt or Syria or Iran unlike what the Zionist Neocon media wants to spread.

Anyhow even with the Nuclear peaceful ambition blessed by the West to kick Iran’s ass in the Nuke race , I doubt that the Mubarak regime has got some secret

By the way there is currently a lot jazz happening at the Inshas reactor regarding its security and its failure to launch.

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