
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sid Gabr Police Station Strikes Again

Sid Gabr police station and its staff seemed to be competing to get the title most notorious police station in Egypt !! In less than year from the murder of Khaled Said on the hands of staffers working in the police station we find another victim of the police brutality. احمد شعبان Ahmed Shaaban

Meet late 19 years old  Ahmed Shabaan who was tortured till death at the Police station itself according to his poor family that got him back as a dead body

Ahmed’s family and friends said that Ahmed was tortured till death at the Sidi Gabr police station and that for fear of accountability the police agents dumped  his body in Al Mahmoudia lake.For three days they knew the 19 years old was in Station despite the officials there were between denial and confirmation. The people at Al Mahmoudia lake found his jacket and his mobile and call his folks. Then came the letter from the morgue that they found his body there. Officially the MOI claims that he committed suicide despite all the torture remarks in his body.

جثمان احمد شعبان

This shot was taken from Shabaan’s funeral which was very fast , too fast by the orders of the security that did not want to turn the matter in to another Khaled Said but they were mistaken because the mainstream media was not the one that presented Khaled Said to the public opinion , it was the social media which hopefully insh Allah will do the same thing with Shabaan.

Shabaan was arrested along with his friends for not showing their IDs for Police agents ambush at their way back home from some wedding.

I want you to watch this great professional video report from Mohamed Abdel Fatah who sat down with the family and friends of late Ahmed Shabaan

Ahmed Shabaan , a new victim of torture at Sidi Gaber Police Station

The man who attacked Mubarak bravely is late Ahmed Shabaan’s uncle.

Unlike Khaled Said’s family , Ahmed Shabaan’s family seems from the working class and I think they may suffer even more pressure and this is why we should stand with them.

19 years old Ahmed Shabaan was studying tourism and he could be that waiter who brought you coffee in that fancy café in Alex.



Guys spread this story as much as you can. We want this to stop. How many young men have to be killed in police stations so this should be stopped !!?

Photo source : Journalist Mohamed Abdel Fatah


  1. Even beasts don't do what Sidi Gaber officers do. And even jungles don't witness crimes like those that happen in Egypt. Shame on Egypt's Police and People, both!

  2. Yes shame on the Egyptian people before the Egyptian police and shameon everyone who reada this and does nothing.

  3. is it recently? i couldn't find any date. it's very importnat for me, tell me about more detail.. it's terrible ....

  4. @JY yes it is recent , according to his family it happened last week

  5. What religion allows this torture and how can human-beings justify this act? It is beyond the bail.


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