
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bad Weather In Egypt , Really Bad Weather

The weather in Egypt is very bad currently at least for the coming 72 hours according to meteorologists. Ports and airports have been closed across the country because of the bad weather conditions. Dust storms and cold wind have forced the Egyptians to stay in their homes this weekend.
Alexandria is having its worst “Kassem" seasonal storm ever and it is just the beginning according  to the seasonal storm calendar .The original summer capital of Egypt has recorded the lowest and coldest temperature degrees up till in this winter season yesterday “7 degrees”. Some areas were lucky to have rain in Egypt  like Matrouh where farmers depend on rain water for irrigation, some have not been lucky just like Cairo.
Here are impressive and scary images from Alexandria by Mohamed Sheedid , he took  them from his home in Galeem .
By Mohamed Sheedid

By Mohamed Sheedid
An Overview by Mohamed Sheedid
People are concerned that this weather can bring heavy rains  again in to Sinai and Upper Egypt again, already people in Asuit’s villages are building primitive dams to protect their homes.
Back to Cairo and Giza , aside from dusty and blurry weather trees , signs and billboards are barely standing in front of the strong wind. Reportedly late night yesterday a fallen tree has smashing two cars and the pavement in Dokki.
Update : 

  • The weather is so cold currently in Cairo , the weather temperature according to my sidebar widget is 14 degree , I feel it is less than 14 degrees. According it is terrible mix between dust and cold. 
  • Alex is having one hell of a day , the city is technically paralyzed as all people are in their homes. Some Alexandrians tried to go to their work but failed due to the bad weather conditions and were forced to return back home. 
  • Some parts in the Alexandrian Cornich have been damaged by the angry mad sea 
By Hany Photographer 


  1. Can you imagine I really adore that weather ??? it is only for the dust ...very dirty indeed :(

  2. Wow! I was thinking it was cold here right now with the temp being 44 degrees. Now I don't!! I pray the bad part is over soon for everyone there.

  3. what is the meaning of Alexandrian Cornich?

    1. Corniche is common word used in Arab area for walk way beside the beach directly

    2. Walk way beside the beach directly

  4. Now if you will find a panic shelter and hold on tight as this year is accelerating.


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