
Saturday, December 11, 2010

ElBaradei In Upper Egypt : Day 1

Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei has started a tour in Upper Egypt in a very cold bad weather , of course it is not that cold for him as he used to much colder weather in Europe.
ElBaradei was in Minya , starting his Upper Egypt first tour from Maghagha.
He went there along with a group of opposition figures and groups from MB representatives to Dr. Ghazli Harb of the Democratic front party to the 6th April youth to Wafd party's representative (!!) to Khalid Said's mom and sister. Mrs.Said has joined the opposition in Egypt after what the regime has done to her family , not only they killed her son but also smeared her family. He met with the NAC youth in a meeting held at the bar association in town where he said a speech. ElBaradei repeated what he has always said that he would run for presidency if only the demands he and others are asking are fulfilled. He also spoke about 10,000,000 signatures. “ Did not he say at first 1,000,000 ?? I know that the more signatures he gets , the more stronger his campaign will be in the streets”
ElBaradei in the meeting (Abdel Fatah)

Khaled Said’s mom also said a word encouraging the youth to stand against injustice.
Dr. ElBaradei said that the next time he will come to Maghagha , he will come to celebrate the real change. “Say insh Allah”
It was a short visit compared to the Fayoum , he did not walk in the town and its streets and mingled with the people as he used to do , I do not know if the bad weather condition played a role here or the security concerns !!
With the people ( Abdel Fatah)
Speaking about security concerns , why on earth did the security prevented Christian religious figures from attending that meeting. One Coptic priest and two Anglican priests were not allowed the hall where that meeting was held yet Dr. ElBaradei went outside the hall and met them. “take that security
ElBaradei, Mrs. Said and a Christian Orthodox priest 
The coordinator of Dr. ElBaradei's campaign Abdel Rahman Youssef has resigned from couple of days ago from his position due to personal issues 'according to him' and he was replaced by Dr. Mustafa Al Nagar as temporary coordinator.
Saluting locals by Mamdouh Thabet For AP 
Dr. ElBaradei was invited to visit Maghagha by former Ambassador Siyad Kassem , the great grandson of Wafd leader Al Masry Pasha Al-Saadi Keeshar of Foyiad tribes "I hope that I wrote the name correctly , already I want to know more about that leader"
Dr. ElBaradei with former ambassador Kassem
Photo source : Ahmed Abdel Fatah for Al Masry Al Youm , Youm 7 


  1. When i hear the people opinion in the ways Dr Baradie asking for i feel we dont deserve the change for better ,

    people still talking that he is the reason of iraq war bla bla bla , and others says civil disobedience will "destroy" the country , as if there is any thing left to be destroyed .

    they dont know what is civil disobedience in the first place .

    30 years failing , time to try a new way.

  2. Very true, the government TV has brainwashed people into thinking civil disobedience means anarchy. As far as I know, they have collected 1 million signatures

  3. @Kareem: true but the only solution is for us to talk to those brainwashed. Sm are afraid of change and what it might bring, others are somehow benefiting from the current situation, not that they get part of the benefits like those very close to the NDP but they are afraid of how change might threaten their posts, earnings ect. I cant blame ppl for their fears, look at how ppl supported the 1952 military movement, Nasser, Sadat and even Mubarak and were left w a bitter feeling that no real change happened but actually more corruption and more injustices became the norm. We need to educate each other, no other way.

  4. الطريق لحياة اصلح لازم
    يمشي فيه الناس العادية
    اللي معندهاش انترنت و ما بتعرفش تقرا اساسا
    من غيرهم ما فيش تغيير

    ودور الناس اللي زينا
    اللي بتعرف تقرا وبتحاول تفهم
    انها تفهم الناس التانية
    من غيرهم مافيش تغيير
    ومن غيرنا هم مش هايفهموا

    This is why collecting 10,000,000 is a great step. We have to spread the word to every one we know.

    E in USA

  5. I have high hopes for him because he is not an elitist. Look at some of the comments above!... we need to educate people, ppl don't deserve, brainwahed masses, and other elitist B.S. Get a life!
    The nearly 1 million signitures are collected by the Moslem Brotherhood for him. They truly understand and connect with the "masses", and el-Baradie has done well by joining forces with them. Mostafa


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