
Friday, December 10, 2010

He is Not A Contender , He is A Test Balloon

Thanks to dear anonymous commentator we were able to read that WSJ report about Egypt.
My dear friends that coming contender to the Presidency race in Egypt is General Ahmed Shafik , the minister of civil aviation who made undeniable achievements in Egypt Air and Cairo international airport. It is not the first time we hear that sort of talk , may be it is the first internationally.
I believe Ahmed Shafik is a test balloon the regime is launching to see whether the public , the army and the west will accept him as a temporary replacement after Mubarak till Junior makes it to the chair in a way or another !!
Of course we all know that the Gamal Mubarak camp is scared from bringing any current or former military man to the chair of the father for fear that that temporary man would be tempted by the support of the army and the people and forget the deal. The Gamal Mubarak camp knows that as soon as the old man dies , all the father’s men will turn their back to their son as they are the men for all seasons.
Aside from the fact that Shafik is the part of that corrupted regime regardless of his success , I do not think that the general can handle the responsibility of a whole nation like Egypt especially with his hot temper. Shafik is excellent in his field which is aviation nothing more , nothing else.
Egypt has hit rock bottom in a way beyond Egypt Air condition before Shafik , there is no other way except a radical change from bottom to top and Shafik is not the man for that mission.


  1. Undeniable achievements in Egypt Air and Cairo international airport were all done by Lufthansa and Fraport AG. Shafiq's only contribution was signing of agreement papers. He has no real role in those achievements..let's get realistic here :p

  2. I am not a Wall Street subscriber but here is an article in the New York Times covering your recent elections If you cannot read it, I will email it to you. Also another New York Times article

    Washington Post said this If there is anything else I can do please let me know.


  3. @Z: well said dear, another ballon from the same regime. We need and hope for real change this time around.


    Debka reports, nothing important.

    It's just saying the opposite to what we hear about Susan endorsing her son to succeed his father.


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