
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Constitutional Declaration NO.2 Coming soon

After 72 hours of the referendum’s results the army is going to announce its long awaited constitutional declaration hopefully tonight !! We do not know when but the AFC has already issued a statement that has been aired from short while ago on TV and radio saying that the council will issue a constitutional declaration. That declaration will include the amended constitutional articles which were approved in the referendum. I am not sure  but I heard that

As far as I know Dr. Tarek El-Bishry and other legal experts have already prepared two constitutional declarations based on the results of the referendum from several days ago so I am amazed that we have to wait all that time !!?

Another question : Why to announce the constitutional declaration on the same day the announcement of the protests draft law and parties draft law !!?


  1. "أصدر المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة بيانا يتضمن قرارا بإصدار إعلان دستورى، لتنظيم السلطات فى المرحلة الانتقالية القادمة يتضمن أحكام المواد التى وافق عليها الشعب؛ للعمل بمقتضاها، وذلك لحين الانتهاء من انتخاب السلطة التشريعية وانتخاب رئيس الجمهورية. "
    What i understand is that no new declaration will be announced until the new parliament is done. What will happen afterwards is not clear !

  2. What the people opinion on the draft laws.
    Why the amment them now and not after the elections?
    Why so harry for the protest draft laws..?


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