From a couple of hours ago the referendum committee has announced the results of the constitutional amendments referendum.
The results came as follows :
14 million Egyptians said yes to the amendments and 4 million Egyptians said no.
This is the biggest turn out in the history of modern Egypt and this is the best results we have achieved democratically in Egypt.
I am happy for this result because only in these two weeks the No team managed to get “21.8%” only so I think they should not be worried now for the parliamentary elections that will be held insh Allah after 6 months because they have achieved this in 2 weeks in the major cities in the country.
Already the highest and nearest numbers for the No team were in Cairo and Alexandria so they have to work outside Cairo and Alex. I was happy to find people voting for No in the New Valley and South Sinai.
I heard that some are saying that 22% were the ones who were in Al Tahrir !!
This is offensive and unacceptable, whoever said it should apologize ASAP to the Egyptian people. Religion was not only used badly in this referendum but also the revolution was being used badly. The political elitists of No team are attacking the voters who said Yes and consider them as naïve and ignorant. Again not all the people were pushed by the MB or by Salafists.
Also, you should not underestimate their wish for stability and mock it.
I will not take it from someone like this babe to consider me, my mom and my aunt as close-minded people who should open their minds.
I will not accept to be described as someone who was being raised on Yes and is afraid from the word No, no my dear I have been always in the No team since 2005.
I will not accept to consider less patriot than him or her because of my vote.
I thank all those who said yes and those who said no, especially those who said No.
Now I am waiting for the constitutional declaration that will be announced by the army along with the new parties law which will allow us to have a real partisan life.
The results came as follows :
- The referendum was held in 43,059 committees
- Those eligible to vote were 45 million
- Those who went to vote were 18, 537,000 “41.19%”
- The valid votes were 18,366,000
- The nullified votes were 171,000
- Those who said yes to the amendments were 14, 192,000 “77.2%”
- Those who said No to the amendments were 4,174,000 “21.8%”
14 million Egyptians said yes to the amendments and 4 million Egyptians said no.
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A full ballot box |
I am happy for this result because only in these two weeks the No team managed to get “21.8%” only so I think they should not be worried now for the parliamentary elections that will be held insh Allah after 6 months because they have achieved this in 2 weeks in the major cities in the country.
Already the highest and nearest numbers for the No team were in Cairo and Alexandria so they have to work outside Cairo and Alex. I was happy to find people voting for No in the New Valley and South Sinai.
I heard that some are saying that 22% were the ones who were in Al Tahrir !!
This is offensive and unacceptable, whoever said it should apologize ASAP to the Egyptian people. Religion was not only used badly in this referendum but also the revolution was being used badly. The political elitists of No team are attacking the voters who said Yes and consider them as naïve and ignorant. Again not all the people were pushed by the MB or by Salafists.
Also, you should not underestimate their wish for stability and mock it.
I will not take it from someone like this babe to consider me, my mom and my aunt as close-minded people who should open their minds.
I will not accept to be described as someone who was being raised on Yes and is afraid from the word No, no my dear I have been always in the No team since 2005.
I will not accept to consider less patriot than him or her because of my vote.
I thank all those who said yes and those who said no, especially those who said No.
Now I am waiting for the constitutional declaration that will be announced by the army along with the new parties law which will allow us to have a real partisan life.
Great one!
ReplyDeleteI wish more people would think that way... after all we dreamt of a democratic Egypt so everybody is free to express their opinions... and its not because their opinion is opposite to ours that they must have been manipulated.
Whats important now is to move to the next step: bring fresh ideas on how change our Egypt into a more fair society where everybody can have their chance
she didn't say everyone who voted yes, she said 'a lot of you who voted yes' which is true..a lot of those who voted yes didn't think about it like that cab driver I was in today and he told me he marked the green circle because 'they' told him the green circle was good and a lot of those who voted yes out of religion propaganda... so the girl didn't say anything that was wrong or untrue she said 'a lot' not 'all' meaning some who voted yes did it our of true belief and understanding, why did youconsider yourself and your aunt as one of 'those who didn't understand'? elly olo rasso bataha
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you handled the article, it's really assures we still on the 1st year grade in political aspects.
ReplyDeleteLater on more people will be lighted and we all going to be delighted Inshallah.
thanks for your efforts
"I heard that some are saying that the 22% were the ones who were in Al Tahrir !! This is offensive and unacceptable"
ReplyDeleteit isn't offensive if it's true..right? we'll soon find out next Friday..won't we?
look, habibty, by posting this videeo it seems to me that you are the one mocking those who criticize the people who voted yes. The people who voted yes should be mocked because they´re too dumb to see the counter-revolution unfolding in front of their own eyes. And the muslim brotherhood is definitely the dumbest organization there is. If real pro-democracy forces in egypt do not unite and lead this revolution. The muslim brothers will all be behind bars again within a few years by a new dictatorship in egypt. But then they can only blame themselves for having played their part in the counter-revolution. There´s your stability honey.
ReplyDeleteStill, i like you blog and good luck with everything.
فى ناس عملوا الثوره و فى ناس جتلهم على الجاهز و طبيعى دول ما تفرقش معاهم كتير نعم من لاء - - فهذه اقصى طموحاتهم و فيه ناس كانت عايزه تولع و تقتل اللى عملوا الثوره و برضوا دول اصبح ليهم صوت و صوتوا و فى ثورات تانيه كانوا يتحطوا تحت المقصله بس يلا و بالقطع هذا الاستفتاء لا يعبر عن الثوره و الثوار و دى حتبقى اول مره فى التاريح ثورة تستمر بنفس الشرعيه و نفس الدستور - بس المهم عجلة الانتاج اصل الدستور الجديد هو اللى كان حيوقفها و كل ثوره و انت طيب
ReplyDeleteI would also like to extend your gratitude and thank those who said no..otherwise we'd have same old 98% yes results and that would have looked really bad for the army and for "democracy" but thanks god for the good citizens who still say YES. Perhaps in another generation we can have another revolution and a referendum where we get a 30% NO, this is very promising..maybe just maybe in a century we will have a revolution where the people stand for their rights instead of dictations, oh I am so excited already!
ReplyDeleteA revolution that ends with constitutional amendments! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteboy..that's hilarious!
Congrats Z for the voting result. I hope the next step will bring Egypt towards democracy and to bring in a very decent new Parliament, new President that respect the Egyptian people and freedom and will make Egypt a better country and bring back the old glory insyallah.
ReplyDeleteLet us all work hard to make Egypt a better place for all of us.
Long live Egypt. May God bless Egypt and Egyptian people.
@Ingólfur I completely disagree with you, those who voted yes are not too dumb to see the counter-revolution.. with their ignorance and gullibleness they ARE the counter-revolution.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Abou el Gheit was correct, we are not Tunisia; they are working on their new parliamentary constitution and we have settled on a couple of amendments with all powers to one person. We are not Tunisia indeed, literacy, education and political awareness do play a role.. how stupid we were to become copycats without realising the consequences of bringing change to our ignorant illiterate people who follow the religion leaders brainlessly.
Hey Zeinobia you should remove that #jan25 twibbon from your twitter avatar
ReplyDeleteperhaps an independent Arab observer will make you wake up..but I doubt it
الانتصار في الاستفتاء لم يكن انتصاراً، لكنه كشف ما يحدث في كواليس الثورة، ليتوقف جماحها عند حدود «عرس الصندوق»، وهذه دلالة مشهد دخول الملايين المسرح، ليشاركوا في صنع المستقبل، لكن عبر بوابات إلكترونية جديدة، تقود إلى استمرار نظام اقتصادي يقوم على الرزق، لا الإنتاج، بمعنى يربط الدخل بمزاج السلطة، وقدرتها على تكوين قنوات مالية، تربط بها أعداداً ضخمة تواجه مأزق تعارض مصلحتها الضيقة في سير عجلات ضخ الأموال، حتى لو بعودة الفساد ما دام سيوسع دائرة توزيع نتاجه.
الاستقرار هو عنوان هذه الشريحة التي ذهبت إلى الصندوق تدافع عن استمرار «اقتصاد الرزق»، بما فيه من اعتماد على الغيب والقوى العلوية. اقتصاد رزق انتقل من الحاكم، محرك عجلات المال، الى الله مصدر البركة وموزّع الرزق.
هنا التقت المصالح مع موزعي صكوك الغفران الديني الذين أخرجوا أعداداً كبيرة من صمتهم، لكن لكي لا تقع مصر أسيرة «أعداء الإسلام». إنها محاولة تكوين غالبية، تعيد إنتاج النظام القديم بوجوه جديدة، تظهر قوتها وتمارس بلطجتها، وبدلاً من وكلاء الوطنية، تصارع وكلاء الله مع الثورة، متحالفين مع رديف الحزب الوطني، والمستفيدين من تراكمات دولة «التحرر الوطني» التي استعمرت أوطانها
I fully understand the concern of the "No" voters. Essentially they are being asked to trust that those who support the army and the Muslim Brotherhood will guide the "revolution" to its desired goals.
ReplyDeleteThat is a huge leap of faith given that the army was the de facto ruler of Egypt over the past 60 years when so much harm was done.
The "No" voters must become the "guardians of the revolution" and keep on pressure to ensure that the revolution is not stopped in its tracks by counter-revolutionary sources within the army. Vigilance at all times to hold the army to account are essential. The last 60 years expalin why.
This reminds me with Sadat's Joke, {I would like to thank those who said Na3am "Yes", and those who said Na3ameen "Yes Yes"}.
ReplyDeleteI hope they respect their promise, and a preparation for a new constitution starts immediately after new president is elected.
"Guards of the revolution" are no match to the self-proclaimed "guards of Islam" given the time allotted.
ReplyDeleteOnce the post-refenderum euphoria that the majority nation seems to be under wears off, they'll realize how fucked we actually are.
Maybe they were right, maybe Egyptians are too ignorant and ill-informed to actually carry out a true revolution. Maybe Egyptians do use their hearts to make descions rather than their brains. Oh! What am I saying? is was probably those NDP and SS bastards. All Egyptians are hip secular bloggers who watch Friends and have ipods.
So you keep being a good little citizen Zeinobia and do what army tells you.
ReplyDeleteIf Egypt follows the planned timing script the next step is to conduct parliamentary elections. When the islamist coalition post candidates in all circles (instead of only 35%), it is hard not to see the expected results.
ReplyDeleteIn a free popular vote, it reasonable to expect the islamists as a new majority and the ill-fated NDP as a new minority. This will be a swap of a condition of several years ago. Other political parties, new and old, will be more or less the same; vocal but tiny.
Without education, and political maturity, the popular vote is not a guarantee of democratic society. After all, Mubark pitch to the west was that his corrupted regime is the alternative to political islam. In the months coming ahead, the law of unintended consequences may prove Mubark's pitch to be true.
"On the 77%, if any of you ever had the pleasure of taking a political economy class (sarcasm is my second language, did I mention that?) your lecturer would have bombarded with the notion of the median voter’s theorem.
ReplyDeleteIn Italian, we call elections with over 65 % of votes going in one direction as ‘Bulgarian Consensus’. Something just wasn’t free and fair
So in the end, my impression is that most people were too flustered to concentrate on the essence of the referendum question and interpreted this vote as a vote of confidence in the army. And with generations of Egyptians being raised loving stability even if it means they get screwed sideways from life, one might not be surprised of this Mubarak-like consensus."
read more
Seems the young girl in the video knows a lot more of what really happened than you will ever be able to grasp Zeinobia. We still love you Zeinobia just like we will always love someone with a Down's syndrome regardless of what they can do that might harm us because they are not accountable, that huge crush you have on the army blurs your vision and affects your rational thinking but we understand. After all love is blind.....
Yo zenga zenga, that Down's Syndrome comment was completely uncalled for. I'm sure Zeinobia had her reasons for voting YES (and I hope she'd provide substantive answer as to why she did). I know you're angry seeing people misusing and distorting reglion to manipulate people. Others handing out jars of ghee and a kilo of meat for those who said YES. Yes, the majority of people voting didn't know what the hell they were voting for but comments like that aren't really gonna get us anywhere, kay? But then comments like "whinny little girls" won't get us anywhere either.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to add that respecting someone's opinion is not the same as accepting.
Everybody has the right to protest peacefully for what they belive in.
Keeping Gaddaffi in power means the coalition will split Libya as Iraq was split between the Iraqi's and the Kurds who now have their own (State up north)conducting oil deal with the west. The governments of the western coalition
ReplyDeletefighting in Libya today will of course make sure Gaddafi remains but they will support the pro-democracy guys against Gaddaffi thus keeping the conflict on the burner for as long as they want, and in exchange for their support they will sooner or later when the time comes, enjoy favourable oil deals and construction
contracts without involving Gaddafi. That is why we now have bombing in Libya and not in Yemen or Bahrain.Yes OIL is the real motive.War in Libya is good for some. For example, today the price of a barrel has increased to $140 as the bombing is taking place and as long as the war in Libya continues so would increase the price of oil which is fantastic for the big corporations. In general, war in the Arab world is good for the armement complexes too, So now you have a direct competition between the Typhoon and the Rafale who did not sell well in the Middle East and the far east or south America, so here is a chance to show what these machines can do and what better than to point them at Saddam Mk 2 (Gaddafi). Yes, good
performances by these fighters could lead to lucrative future sales in the Middle East
and elsewhere.Worst of all, an unstable Libya will of course affect Egypt as it is located
next door just round the corner, and on the other side you have borders with Palestine
which also is living under occupation, its stability to the west and stability to the east,
will democarcy thrive in Egypt if both Libya and Palestine continue to live in conflict?
god help Egypt.