
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Egyptian X-Files : When was Ziad killed ?

37 years old Ziad Bakir was buried in his family’s cemetery earlier today , the DNA results came yesterday and they were positive unfortunately. There are a lot of question marks about Ziad’s death and sudden appearance.
According to the information we have got Ziad’s family found him on March 10th at Zinhom morgue in Cairo. The morgue claimed that that the body was admitted on February 3th ,2011 !!!!!
FYI the Bakirs checked this morgue all the time and yet they found him on March 10th !! A whole month !!? How come !!?
You must know that on Monday 7th of March Mirette Bakir, Ziad’s sister received a phone call in the afternoon on her mobile phone. She found a man threatening her badly that if she did not stop speaking to the media , she would not see her brother alive again. On the same day her mom received similar calls.
The Bakirs continued to receive threatening calls till March 11th even after finding Ziad’s body at the morgue !! On March 10th,2011  Ziad’s brother received strange phone call from anonymous caller who used to call to him from time to time to tell him some information about Ziad. ‘Never been right’ That anonymous caller told him that Ziad was alive and he was imprisoned at some prison in Sinai !!!
According to human rights activists these phone calls have the traces of state security.The Bakirs insisted on DNA to make sure that this is Ziad and the result as you know came positive.
Hundreds in Tahrir  protested today and demanded the AFC to investigate the matter during his funeral from Omar Makram mosque.
FYI I received another story about Ziad still it is not confirmed like this one. The family of Ziad Bakir will speak to the media soon because they have nothing to lose anymore. There are a lot of questions that must be answered now and the first question should be : When was Ziyad killed ??


  1. Have they done impartial autopsy? If not I would not just yet bury the corpse.

    This is just single case, but very important, as many other families are not as lucky to get such a media attention.

    I hope people will pressure AFC on this matter, if not now, perhaps at Friday in Tahrir?

  2. May Allah rest his soul in peace. Please tell those intersted to pay respects the 3azza will be in alrashdan mosque tomorrow after Maghreb ISA. God bless you and the likes of your respectful self with what ur doing. Ziad is my neighbours brother in law. Thank you dear.

  3. Same as Tarek abd ellatif, missing since 28th and his body was found in Zinhom morgue same time ziad body was discovered, though they have checked earlier, there must be something

  4. Never Imagen it will be that hurt,especially for the family's members. god help them bearing not only with the absent ofthier sons, but also the twisting information and threating phone calls, god bless his soul

  5. Dear Zeinobia,

    There are no words that can describe the sadness we all feel for those innocent young promising lives who have been kidnapped brutalley by some brutal killers.
    Nothing will appease his family's heart and all of our hearts except a swift and direct retribution from those killers.
    Hasbia Allah, May Allah bless his soul and all our martyrs' souls.
    Thank you dear for all your effort.
    May Allah Bless you and all our young heroes.

  6. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Sad :(

    whoever did this should be punished and the SS should be responsible for this and an investigation need to be done to find out how this happen and why!

  7. The autopsy was done and showed two fatal bullet wounds in the chest. The bullets were extracted and saved and will be used as evidence in the case to be filed with the General Prosecutor. It should be noted that with a bullet you can not only say what weapons type the bullet stems from but much more. Each gun has a special fingerprint that it embedds on its bullets. So if you have the bullet you can in ballestic tests even prove from which gun the bullet was fired. If the prosecutor does his job the way he should it will be possible to pinpoint who is responsible for Ziad's killing. We want to know and we will know. The family is determined not to give up on this and supported by people who are specialist in this field.
    Ziad was murdered, just as Tarek was. In cold blood and being unarmed. This is the most brutal crime a state can commit. Now it will be seen if the new cabinet is serious when it appologises for the crimes of the state security. It can only be believed if there is an open transparent investigation and court case against the killers of Ziad Bakir.


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