
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is this the start of Syrian Revolution !!?

There are anti regime protests in Damascus and Aleppo as far as I know , I do not know how big they are though.
Here is early videos from Damascus and to be accurate at the Al-Hamidiyah Souq
The uprising of March 15th
The people are chanting : “Where are you Syrian ? “, “Allah , Syria and Freedom” and “Peaceful”
The video shooter says that all religious sects in Damascus are participating in this revolution.
There is reportedly a protest in Al Qamishli , already the city saw several violent clashes between the Kurds and the security forces before. Here is a photo from twitter from the city.
Down with Bashr , Freedom to Syria
Leave leave dictator , we want to live
We do not want promises and lies
There was a small protest in Cairo in front of the Syrian embassy where the Syrians protested the Al Assad regime along with a group of Egyptian activists. Reportedly the embassy hired thugs to crack down the protest !!!!! Here are more photos from the protest , I hope I knew about it earlier , I would have gone and cover it :(
In Giza , Egypt 
The video shows the anti regime protesters vs. the embassy employees who kept cheering for Bashar Al Assad !

The official media in Syria claims that the IDF sent SMS calling for protests in the country.
Here are two FB pages following that uprising in Syrian : SNN and Syrian Revolution.
Come on Syria , let’s complete the Arab spring for real.


  1. Suzanne not Mubarak3/15/2011 09:20:00 PM

    Yallah Syria! Thanks for the report, Zeinobia!

  2. No anti-regime protest,These demonstrations are to political prisoners.

  3. If something big does end up happening in Syria, I predict it being far form the peaceful revolution we saw in Egypt. But either way, I encourage action. Let’s wipe out dictatorship once and for all in the Middle East, enough is enough.


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