
Monday, March 14, 2011

Watch out March 15th in Syria and Palestine

After few hours Syria and Palestine supposedly will have their own “Day of Rage”. The Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank are demanding a real unity. They started to protest from today. They do not want Fatah nor Hamas. You can follow this hashtag on twitter to follow the movement : #Palestine15Mar

While in Syria the people want to end this dictatorship. You can follow this hashtag on twitter to follow the movement : #syrianrevolution

The Day of rage in Syria


  1. Dear Zeinobia,
    The German news showed on 14 March 2011 the demonstration of five peace loving democrats in Gaza City being harassed by Hamas secret agents. Their crime: They demanded Palestinian unity and freedom of expression. Here is the link: .

  2. I'm glad the stock markets haven't dropped more than they have. All those lost lifes is bad enough. My prayers go out to them. Hmm…


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