
Friday, April 29, 2011

PM Sharaf in University of Kuwait

PM Sharaf had a meeting with the Egyptian community in Kuwait at the university of Kuwait , here are video clips from the meeting. Our prime minister had an overwhelming reception there. Egyptians kept chanting ‘Raise your head , your Egyptian’.

PM enters, Kuwaiti professor introduction and part of Sharaf’s word

This meeting was arranged by the faculty of business administration , university of Kuwait , it was originally a meeting between Sharaf and the faculty staff but it turned in to successful meeting between the Egyptian expats and their prime minister.

The Egyptians asked the prime minister to change the Egyptian ambassador and the staff of the Egyptian embassy because they were not helping the Egyptians in Kuwait and they treated them badly.

The Egyptian embassy officials already told the Egyptian expats in Kuwait that that meeting was a closed one between Sharaf and the university staff only !! One of the Egyptian students told Sharaf that they wanted to close the Egyptian embassy as it was useless.

Egyptian student in university of Kuwait demands the closure of the Egyptian embassy

The Egyptian expats also criticized the board of the Egyptian community in Kuwait made of 40 persons only they do not know anything about. Usually the heads of the Egyptian communities abroad were pro-Mubarak regime. One of the Egyptian expats proposed that the Egyptians abroad should have the right to elect their community’s board as it is unfair to be able to elect the president and not to elect the community’s board. “It is actually a great idea.”

The Egyptian embassy and the Egyptian community in Kuwait board

I believe the meeting was successful one and it shows how popular Sharaf is , it is a huge responsibility he must understand it fully. Now it is a matter of time when we will find a new Egyptian ambassador in Kuwait insh Allah.

Now before I move on from Kuwait , I share with you with my all apology in advance Ahmed El-Jaralla’'s op-ed “Yes for Egypt the secure and no for Egypt Tora” condemning the detention of 300 Egyptian businessmen in Tora prison “ Unrealistic number with no doubt” in a pathetic way just like his career. It is not my conspiracy theory mind as the man says he can’t forget what Mubarak did in the Gulf war !!

1 comment:

  1. They are right. Egyptians can hold their heads high. They did something very difficult to do.
    No-one did it for them.


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