
Friday, April 29, 2011

Syrian Revolution : Another Anger Friday , Another day "Graphic"

Here it is another Friday , another day in Syria full of anger , full of fear and also full of death ghost. The Syrians are escaping to Jordan and to Lebanon for fear of getting killed by the El Assad army.
Things are escalating from bad to worse starting from last Week and the entrance of the Syrian army to Daraa.
Anger Friday /Leave Bashar
from Homs 
Today we got news that units from the infamous Republican guards headed by Maher El Assad are surrounding Damascus with machine guns. Army tanks have allegedly entered Aleppo. As usual people are getting killed by the hands of the security forces , I have just read that a 10 years old girl was killed in Latakia along with other 4 citizens and 20 injured. There is reportedly a new massacre in Daraa in the Sheikh area. Updated  : Reports saying that between 15 -23 have been reportedly killed in Daraa , about 15 dead bodies have arrived to one of the hospitals there with the bullets of the Syrian security forces. AFP speaks about 16 dead bodies at the entrance of Daraa , according to our dear Syrian brothers these are the bodies from Hauran , the city of Hauran. The brave citizens of Hauran came with food and medicine supplies and wanted to break the siege but instead they were killed. 
It is worth to remind the world that Daraa has been living under a terrible siege , the El Assad forces got rid from food medicine and children milk in order to blackmail the defiant citizens. The people are not allowed to leave the city , this week Arab viewers from the Gulf to the ocean listened to the crying plea of Daraa MP's son on BBC Arabic to El Assad family in order to let the women and children out of Daraa.  The world of course is watching in silence. Even Amnesty International is asking his excellency President Bashar El Assad to stop the bloodshed !! I do not know if this is a bad joke or what.
BBC Arabic says the Mosques across Syria are being closed by the orders of the regime and the Emams were put under house arrest. Things from Daraa are not good at all , people are escaping to Jordan to the level that the Jordanian decided to allocate some schools in the borders towns to the coming Syrian refugees.
There are protests in several areas across the country in Homs , Aleppo , Latakia , Idlib , Deir ez-Zor , Al Hasakah ,Hama, Ar-Raqqah , Rif Dimashq and Damascus itself. Thousands if not hundreds of thousands are protesting today against the Syrian regime.
From Qamishli in Al Hasakah governorate
Here are couple of videos from several different areas in Syria from short awhile ago. You can hear clearly that the people want to topple the regime there.
From Homs : Live ammunition used against peaceful protesters
From Latakia
From Idlib
From Damascus
From Hama
From Hauran
From Baniyas
There are several areas in Syria with no electricity or no communication , it is Daraa or Daraya but also in several areas in Rif Dimashq. There are areas completely isolated from the world as far as I am reading news from Syria.
Here is a live stream from Syria , it is not live currently but it was live from couple of hours ago. Speaking of the royal wedding today the Syrian ambassador was not invited to the Wedding because of the violent crackdown for the Syrian revolution. Unfortunately this has been the only serious reaction taken so far from the West concerning Syria.
The League of Arab states is going to held a foreign ministers meeting soon to discuss the Syrian issue according to its spokesperson ,one has to wonder if Amr Moussa has got time for this , the man is busy in his presidential campaign !!
Hisham Youssef : LAS will move to Syria
Currently there is a protest in Cairo in front of the LAS HQ at Tahrir square in solidarity with Syria and Libya. Also yesterday there was a protest in front of the Syrian embassy in Giza just like the one held last Tuesday.
The Syrian parliament has been hacked today , this is a screen shot for the website while it was hacked.
The Hacked Syrian parliament official website
Op-Anonymous already promised last week to hack official Syrian websites in solidarity with Syria and the people of Daraa in their new #OpSyria.

The Syrian army claims that today 4 soldiers were killed radical Salafi groups in Daraa while the revolutionaries are claiming that these 4 soldiers were executed because they refused to open their fires against the citizens in Daraa.
There is also news that some officer was executed in either Hama or Aleppo , I am not sure in which city but he was allegedly executed for refusing to open his fire against the citizens.
The question is where the 5th battalion in Daraa which defected and we had seen their videos last week !!? Could not they do something !?
FYI more and more officers are defected , here is a video from Hauran from couple of days showing the injured and dead army officers that were attacked by security forces for no obeying the orders and opening their fire on the protests.
Update : 
Damascus is currently witnessing several protests according to eye witnesses that are being crack downed by tear gas grenades.

Not less than 5 were killed in the city of Homs.
The Security forces are reportedly losing control on the city of Hama. This video below shows the people of Hama encircling the Governorate HQ building where the security forces took refugee !!
The purification process from the presidential cult in Syria is still going , more cities are self-liberating its land form the ugly statues of El Assad clan.
Update #2 @ 8:07 PM Cairo local time : 
  • According to AP human rights groups in Syria say that not less than 42 civilians have been killed in Syria today by the security forces. Some tweeps online say that these 42 civilians are from Daraa and Doma while other tweeps say that 38 were killed only in Daraa by 4 PM !!!!! 
  • According to Reuters human rights activists say that only in Daraa , in one hospital there are not less than 83 dead bodies among them women and children that were killed in the past 4 days only !!
  • There is news coming from Homs , Al Rastan to be specific that there has been a terrible massacre against the civilians there committed by the security forces. The hospitals allegedly are prepared to receive that large number of victims. 
  • The mobile phones and landlines are reportedly working again in Doma
  • The UN has decided to send a fact finding mission to Syria along with condemnation to what happened against civilians. 
  • The US has imposed sanctions on Syrian regime.  
  • Here is a video showing the attack on protesters at the eastern entrance of Daraa "Graphic content"
  • Here are two videos from Ma'arat Al-Nu'man in Idlib showing the live ammunition used against the unarmed peaceful protesters and how a young was killed in the protest there by a gun shot in his head. "Graphic content"

  • Here is an old shocking video taken from a week or more , showing the citizens using the meat freezers to keep the dead bodies of their relatives because the morgues were full. The people were not allowed to bury their beloved ones in their cemeteries because of snipers, they buried them in their homes. 

  • Not less than 200 Syrian refugees have passed to Turkey today. 
  • The estimated number of people killed today across Syria according to activists is not less than 100. 
  • That shocking video below is from Daraa , I do not know when it was shot but it was uploaded today showing an old man killed there. It is extremely graphic.
  • The EU has agreed to impose sanctions on Syria.
  • Here is a video from El-Rastan in Homs showing the citizens transferring the injured to the hospital. 


  1. Syrians don't want to live in a police state
    anymore. I admire their bravery.

  2. They never did but they never overcame their fear before, now that fear barrier has been broken.


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