
Sunday, July 24, 2011

It is not about Dina Only "Update"

Dina Abdel Rahman , the popular and wonderful TV hostess made headlines today starting from early morning , starting from her Daily morning show on Dream TV 2 or what used to be her Daily Morning Show
Abdel Rahman presented for years her popular TV show “Dream’s Morning” on Dream TV 2 , it is the first real talk show in the morning hours in Egypt compared to the Egyptian national TV’s “Good morning Egypt”.
Today’s morning Dina Abdel Rahman highlighted in the press segment the op-ed of columnist Naglaa Badir in Tahrir Newspaper today where the later was criticizing Major Hassan El-Rowaniy and SCAF’s position from April 6th Youm movement.She was hosting journalist Khaled El-Belashy to comment the press today. Then in another segment she spoke on the phone with retired air force major general/strategic analyst Abdel Monam Kato who told her to stop highlighting the opinions of saboteurs like Badir and that she should choose respectable journalists to highlight their opinions !!
Dina Abdel Rahman and the KG1 Democracy !!
Abdel Rahman politely challenged him that he should pinpoint who these  respectable journalists were.
Of course what Kato said was nothing compared to his jam :
The Egyptian army is teaching the Egyptian people ABC KG1 Democracy !!
I think the Egyptian army has been humiliated enough by such irresponsible statements from retired major generals like Kato along other hypocrites.
After that segment her show was ended on air before time and soon she herself found the owner of the channel businessman and former NDP member Ahmed Bahgat calling her to scold her badly. According to close sources he fired her and told her that there would be a new TV host for the show tomorrow while she says that on her twitter that he only criticized her harshly for few minutes before she decided to withdraw.
In another tweet Dina Abdel Rahman says that :
It does not matter if I was fired or I was resigned , it does not matter as much I care for my own self respect and the respect of all Egyptians as I belong to them and insh Allah Egypt will be more beautiful.
Believe or not her words made me optimistic a lot and indeed insh Allah Egypt will be more beautiful.
Last Saturday Abdel Rahman talked on air with Major General Hassan El-Rowainy where the major general bragged foolishly that he was the source of the rumors at Tahrir square and how he used to calm the Tahrir square with a rumor that “ Ahmed Ezz was imprisoned …etc. !!”
Major General Rowainy : The first source of rumors in Egypt !!
Dina Abdel Rahman asked wisely :
So you are the source of the rumors ?
And he answered proudly :
Yes I am !!
I do not know what kind of political intelligence is that !?
Dina Abdel Rahman 
Anyhow it is worth to mention that on the same episode El-Rowainy mentioned early morning that Kefaya was unoriginal Egyptian movement , it was a foreign movement and the word Kefaya was actually Kefa !!! The SCAF member also predicted amazingly that the march April 6th was organizing later that day would include Molotov cocktails !!
Now you got things here related directly to the freedom of expression and freedom of media ; the former major general’s opinion about Naglaa Badir who criticized SCAF as saboteur and not respectable and the action of Ahmed Bahgat with Dina. This is aside from the view of the strategic analyst who believes we are being taught ABC KG1 Democracy in the army’s school.
ONTV started to have negotiations with Dina Abdel Rahman after knowing that she was fired according to the tweets of its producers on twitter. Yet few hours we found Ahmed Al Moslemani on his official twitter account announcing that the problem of Dina was over and she would be back on the show the day after tomorrow. According to the leaks Al Moslemani and Mona El Shazly talked to her on the phone and I would not surprise if they were trying to convince her to stay at least to end of contract.
Of course to put an end all these speculations , news , rumors Abdel Rahman posted in twitter this very important tweet :
Regarding what my colleague Ahmed Al Moslemani has mentioned about negotiations , there are no negotiations to return back to Dream.
FYI Dina Abdel Rahman opened this twitter account just few hours ago. Dream TV network lost a lot for real , Dina was technically the queen of morning shows.
Naglaa Badir 
It is not about Dina Abdel Rahman but things here related directly to the freedom of expression and freedom of media ; the former major general’s opinion about Naglaa Badir who criticized SCAF as saboteur and  not respectable and the action of Ahmed Bahgat with Dina. This is aside from the view of the strategic analyst who believes we are being taught ABC KG1 Democracy in the army’s school.
First of all I am not surprised from the actions of Ahmed Bahgat at all as he had done it before with Hala Serhan who founded Dream TV for him for real. Of course we will not forget how he kept apologizing day and night for the regime when Mona El Shazly interviewed the MB’s guide in his office and made promos about that important interview last year.
The former NDP businessman was rumored to be the business partner of Alaa Mubarak and officially it turns out that the Wife of Gamal Abdel Aziz , Mubarak’s secretary got shares in his companies and sooner or later he will stand in front of the investigators.
I am not surprised at all but being the owner of the channel or being rich does not give him the right to scold or fire a person that worked for years and is considered one of the Dream TV network’s success makers in this way.
Second regarding Naglaa Badir and retired air forces major general Kato , till when anyone will criticize SCAF or anyone in power in Egypt is considered a saboteur , traitor and not respectable !? It is not about Badir but about the principle itself. I understand that the military mind , the old school military mind raised in dictatorship does not know the word of press freedom or constructive criticism but this is the new Egypt. All those who criticize SCAF are actually more keen on the Egyptian army in a way the SCAF can’t imagine it or even understand it.
Third to the ABC KG1 Democracy classes the army giving to us statement by retired major general Kato who is currently a strategic analyst. After hearing this statement , I remember Galal Amar’s famous quote :
I wanted to become a strategic analyst but my family told me to complete my study !!
This is not the first time we hear that the Egyptians were too naïve to understand democracy as Omar Soliman and Ahmed Nazif said before him. I will not write down how the Egyptian people , the great old Egyptian people can teach that major general what democracy is or what politics is in fact !! The mindset of Mubarak’s regime has not gone for sure and we will be naïve if we think that 30 years mindset will be gone in just 5 months.
The big question how many members in SCAF think in this way !?
I wish that the retired major generals who became strategic analysts just spare the Egyptian army from their opinions before sparing us.
Freedom is not a free gift we will receive after 60 years , we have to push more and more.
May there is a hidden bless because if you look to it the statements of El Rowainy and Kato , they are putting SCAF in very bad position day after day in front of the Egyptian people before the world.
Update : 

  • It turns out that "@Dinaabdelrahman" twitter account was not the real true twitter account of Dina Abdel Rahman !! The real twitter account of Dina Abdel Rahman is @Dinaaegy , Dina has been tweeting for a while now.
  • Tahrir TV is currently negotiating with Dina Abdel Rahman as well.  
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  1. Arnvid Aakre (NileViking)7/25/2011 01:03:00 AM

    Thank you, this put the pieces I have (as heard during my interviews the last days) into a more full picture.

    Yes, it would be very naive to expect the SCAF with their former friends, doing anything else than kindergarten-democracy-teachings - as many of them don't consider people ready for real democracy. Then better to have a step-father on the top.

    I wonder how many in SCAF thinking otherwise, but until now have not spoken ...

  2. دينا خسرت وظيفتها و كسبت تعاطف الناس كمذيعه محترمه دريم خسرت
    الكثير من مصداقيتها و ذلك رأسمال اي وسيله اعلاميه اما عن المجلس العسكري لقد فقد اتزانه و يتصرف مثل نظام مبارك تماما

  3. The army, like the Muslim Brotherhood, is a top-down, insular, authoritarian regime that indoctrinates its members to obey unthinkingly and to give unconditional loyalty to its leaders.

    The very concept of democracy is not only alien, but considered very dangerous, to both these regimes.

    Besides these similarities, both regimes have in common a strong contempt and suspicion of "outsiders" -- i.e. the vast majority of Egyptian citizens. It is this contempt that motivates them to pay lip-service to "democracy" and to lie outrageously to the Egyptian people, using words that they think the people want to hear, while doing everything possible to stifle freedom. For our own good, of course.

    Both regimes recruit from among the people, but it is crazy and naive to ignore the intensive, expert brainwashing that then transforms recruits from "one of us" into "one of them".

    The Muslim Brotherhood aims to take over Egypt and to aggressively transform Egyptian society according to the MB model.

    The Army's job is to protect the nation's borders militarily from foreign aggression. That is its only proper, non-destructive function.

    Neither one is at all qualified to teach Egyptians anything about "democracy" and both should be kept very, very far away from political power.

  4. I think its time for SCAF and the military to learn about 'democracy' from their own people!

  5. I think it's time for the SCAF generals to hit the bucket!

  6. Dina is a very respectable lady ,I watch her episodes daily , I am not egyptian but very proud of this honest and great revolution whom Dina has supported to the last minute, there will be no time till you see her on a new channel. Dream will never get her back again coz it does not deserve one like Dina.

    1. to learn more is a good time to watch on TV THANK YOU FROM this address at ZAGAZIG دينا كسبت تعاطف الناس


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