
Monday, July 25, 2011

Norway Attack : Oklahoma 2011

As soon as I saw I the photos of bombing of Oslo , I remembered immediately of Qaddafi’s threat to target European cities with martyrs and Jihadists while other Arabs and Muslims online were waiting to hear the usual accusation to Muslims but it turned to be a domestic terrorist act just like Oklahoma city terrorist attack.
Already when it was declared that there was an attack on a camp following the Norwegian Labor party “the ruling party” after the attack on the prime minister’s office I began to think it was a domestic thing.
The terrorist is Anders Behring Breivik , white blonde right wing and not Muslim. He used to blog in Zionist blogs.
Strangely both his Facebook and twitter accounts’ activity started on July 17 !?
Facebook Page starts on July 17th !!
Breivik left a very interesting tweet at his twitter account on July 17th ‘The only tweet he sent actually’:
The only tweet on July 17th !!
One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests.
This is originally a quote by British philosopher John Stuart Mill by the way which he rephrased. The original quote was :
One person with a belief is a social power equal to ninety-nine who have only interests

In Freemason apron
Another thing according to the media he is a right wing radical Christian where as among his listed interests in his Facebook page is Freemasonry and there was photo of him published at the Daily Mail wearing that Freemason apron !? I thought radical Christians were against Freemasonry and similar movements !?  There is no doubt that conspiracy theorists will have their theories about Freemasonry, mind controlling and mass murder in no time.
According to media reports he was so influenced by the Templars and announced in some alleged Manifesto he published that the Knights Templar was re-founded in London again in 2002 for the purpose of serving the interests of the free indigenous people of Europe and to fight against the ongoing European Jihad !!
This video is originally believed to be uploaded first by Breivik.
Knights templar 2083
Allegedly there were European representatives from 8 EU countries which means there could be still time bombs in another 7 EU countries. Here is the cover of the manifesto , I think this manifesto will be a bestselling book for the Neo-Nazis. By the way what does "2083" refer to !?
The cover of the manifesto

I do not know but this criminal who killed all those people seems to have some accomplice some where , I just do not get how one single man can do all this alone without help.
I believe now the media in Europe taught a very tough lesson : Terrorism has no religion nor color nor race.
You must know that a day before the attack the youth at the labor camp declared that they wanted their country to recognize Palestine as independent state . I do not draw any parallels but I am showing you that we got supporters abroad who now need our own support. We can send tweets and messages to support those young victims and their families , this is the least thing we can do.
God knows even without knowing who was behind the attack , I felt so sad and angry.


  1. It's Obvius that the unhuman terrorist twin attack in a country so peacefully like Norway and 2083 Manifest of this criminal shows how much Mossad's involvement in this stupid shit acting in order to increase World hatred feeling against muslims and sympathy towards Jews.
    لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله العلى العظيم

  2. In 2083 will be the 400th anniversary of The battle of vienna read the manifesto today and i can tell u that he's more crazy than Hitler was...and u're right, he mentioned that he's plan was to kill more than 400 000 persons from all around the globe, through bomb attacks, antrax and several other ways... Once again people showed their complete ignorance about Islam... I am a Catholic and in a week from now I'll convert to Islam and I say this with my heart full of pride...
    Congratulations for your blog and for keeping me update trhough Twitter about Masr. Also in a week will be my country too. We'll see each other on the "corners" of Tahrir ;)

  3. As an norwegian who heard about these attacs while in Tahrir here in Cairo, I must say that your chronicle here was highly appreciated. For support from here, there is a facebook page called "R.I.P Everyone that was killed in Utoya and Oslo 22/7 - 2011":

    For the year 2083, that is the year (according to Anders Behring Breivik) when "The Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes will fall...". Honestly, why exactly 2083 I have not found out yet - but it may be stated in his 1500 pages manifest.

    I belong to the multiculturalist's Breivik is referring to, not only as an idea - as my dear partner and wife come from Luxor, and our daughters are named Aisha and Zahrah:

    And lately, contributed with an article to Elin Brodin's book: "Outlaw - the new migrations and xenophobia", and here from the debate panel at the House of Litterature in Oslo earlier this year:

  4. Arnvid Aakre (NileViking)7/25/2011 03:56:00 AM

    As an norwegian who heard about these attacs while in Tahrir here in Cairo, I must say that your chronicle here was highly appreciated. For support from here, there is a facebook page called "R.I.P Everyone that was killed in Utoya and Oslo 22/7 - 2011":

    For the year 2083, that is the year (according to Anders Behring Breivik) when "The Western European cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes will fall...". Honestly, why exactly 2083 I have not found out yet - but it may be stated in his 1500 pages manifest.

  5. Why does someone do that to his own people? Does 2083 refer to year 2083?

  6. Alarm bells are ringing...

    Garner the patience to hear Qaddafi out in his message to the Egyptian people.

    Towards the end he states that 'Libyan' tribes living in Egypt are marginalised and that AbdelNasser knew about them and Sadat and he didn't speak to Mubarak about them but now he refuses to allow them to continue to be marginalised...

    He wants to do to Egypt exactly what he did to Sudan and he's obviously feeling very insecure.

    Be very vigilant.

    Sudanese Commentator

  7. Beware of the Right & Religous Conservatives. These kinds of actions often come from this direction. Why? Arrogance.He is a Christian Jihadi. Everyone else is an ordinary, humble slob but not him - he thinks he is above the mass of people. He wants to purify the world with murder. Some would call for his execution.
    I would rather see him cleaning toilets for the rest of his life in a prison until he is a white-haired old man always hoping for release from the daily battle with shit.


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