
Friday, July 29, 2011

Mubarak Trial Will not be at the CICC "Updated"

We do not know again where the trial of Mubarak will be. Yesterday it was announced that the trial of ousted/former president Mubarak will be at the center but now according to MENA judge Abdel Aziz Omar , the head of the appeal court will announce the location of the trial tomorrow Saturday.
Update : The trial will not be held at the CICC's GAFI hall because the ministry of interior will not be able to secure it according to the minister of Justice Abdel Aziz El Gendy. 
Mubarak’s trial is supposedly to be held at “GAFI” conference hall. El Wafd newspaper claims that the preparation at the “GAFI” conference hall was ceased today. Here is a video showing the hall.
Based on this statement the trial will not be at the CICC despite the CICC did not deny that the ministry of justice rented a hall in the CICC and the hall was being prepared for the trial next Wednesday. There have been rumors that Mubarak’s trial will be held next August 3rd,2011 at the Police academy today.
Historically this will not be the first trial, high profile or historical trial held at the CICC , in fact it will be a historical irony if Mubarak’s trial is held there because the first trial was none other the trial of President Sadat’s assassination was held at the same hall. The GAFI Hall was actually built specifically for that trial to include the famous 309 suspects like Ayman El-Zawahary and Aboud El Zomor. If we look to the GAFI hall history at CICC we will find even more interesting historical fact : Rifaat El Mahgoub’s assassins trial was held at GAFI hall at CICC.
The irony comes from the fact that recently Mubarak and his friend Hussein Salem are being accused of assassinating both Sadat and Mahgoub. The irony comes from the fact that Mubarak was the man who actually issued the orders to build that hall.
I hope that the trial will be held at the CICC not the the police academy , in fact that there will be a real trial after all.

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