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Mubarak and Sadat On 6th of October 1981 |
Some people think that opening this file now is a distraction for files that matter . First of all this file is opened by the Sadat family who knows the truth and could not speak all those 30 years from fear. Second of all you can’t blame the media for covering this file , it is a gold mine for any investigative journalist. Third I think it is not distraction up till now as the official media has not covered the case in its newspapers and channels except very shyly unlike private channels
I do not see any distraction , may be because I have followed this file very carefully and wished that it would be opened this way. The real distraction I believe is that talk about stability and economy using them to scare the people from any change.
Talaat Sadat , the president’s nephew paid the price heavily and spent a whole year in military jail for accusing Abu Ghazla in 2006 of involving in Sadat’s assassination because of the shady arms deals publicly on air. Despite Abu Ghazla left the service in a scandal , despite Sadat did not come from near or far then to the Egyptian army he was accused of insulting the Egyptian army !!
The outspoken lawyer and politician in the same year spoke in an interview with DPA correspondent then in Cairo Wael Abbas accusing Mubarak directly and demanding the ICC to investigate the matter as President Sadat is not less than former Lebanese PM Hariri. ‘Scroll to the English part’ Sooner Talaat found himself accused of insulting the army and Wael Abbas found himself without a job !!
Ayman Nour opened this file in 2008 and brought interesting stuff in our attention which he was in jail. The Sadat clan already hinted from near and far that there was something fishy about Sadat’s assassination.
Right after Mubarak’s step down , I was surprised to find Sakina Sadat , the half sister of President Sadat and famous Egyptian writer saying that she was banned from attending any meeting with president Mubarak and her brother Essamt “Talaat’s father” was imprisoned because he dared and asked Mubarak
“how did the president get killed ? You were sitting besides him ?”
Sakina Sadat and the #Jan25 revolution
In 2009 Jihan Sadat said in Al Masry Al Youm’s interview that the she believed those who assassinated Sadat were a tool in a hand of unknown party and she did not speak for fear on her son’s life.
After the revolution of January 25th the first reaction of Jihan Sadat after the revolution shows that she really liked the Mubaraks !!
The former first lady exploded in laughter in a very womanly way when Amr Adeeb reminded her that all the world knows that Suzanne Mubarak hated her !! It was not a secret that Suzanne Mubarak did not like her especially Jihan Sadat is widely known and respected abroad than her. She wondered then from where all these billion came in dismay.
From two weeks ago Egyptians were surprised by a clear accusation from Rakia Sadat to Hosni Mubarak of being behind her dad’s assassination. She even reported the matter to the general prosecutor and he will start investigating the matter this week.Of course you can expect the media frenzy following the matter , people began to speak and questions began to be asked about the incident that brought Mubarak to the chair. She went today to testify in front of the general prosecutor.
During Amr El-Lathy’s show Mrs. Rakia revealed that she saw Khaled Islambouli alive in Mecca in 1996 at Ajyad hotel to be precise. According to what we have been told and declared Khaled was executed on April 15,1982 in a military camp by a firing squad. Rakia Al Sadat is not crazy or looking for any publicity from any kind , yes she could have seen someone looking similar to Islambouli in 1996 especially after all those years but she got a point here : What happened to Khaled !!?
He said that the firing squad at military execution had fake and live ammunition , it is a system and no one knows which has which. When the squad fired on Khaled , his head did not move right or left as it is expected from someone being executed. The officers thought he was still alive as he got a very strong body , so the commander of the squad took his gun “full of live ammunition” to shot him in the head. At the same moment his finger on the trigger , Khaled’s head moved to the right !!! A lot of drama , is not it !!? Well the assassination of Sadat is full of drama !!? Ironically that officer did not tell if Khaled got a blood or not !!?
Why I am raising this point , well I heard something interesting from one of the soldiers who were accompanied Khaled Islambouli and Hussein Abbas in handcuffs there during the execution. The soldier did not see the execution as it was behind a hill , he only heard the gun shots but he did not see any body at all. At that time he thought his body would be taken to the vehicle to its pre-burial preparation in another way then the one they came from.
Khaled Islambouli’s body was not given to his family to be buried in their cemetery , it was buried at the unknown charity cemetery like spies and traitors. The thing is that the family of Islambouli did not reject their son on the contrary they took the same path as his !!
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Aboud El-Zomor in his iconic shot |
Then Aboud El-Zomor was released and his interviews mania along with the fact that he did not show any remorse at all for Sadat’s assassination made many people angry , it led many people to remember the assassination and start ask questions. I have always thought that El-Zomor was kept all those years after his sentence jail because he knew what really happened at the podium. One thing I have realized from watching his interviews , the man really knows but he is playing dump !! El-Zomor was a military intelligence officer by the way.
On the same show that Talaat Sadat accused Abu Ghazla of murdering his uncle in 2006 “Cairo Today” , he was back last week speaking about the matter again. He did not accuse Mubarak directly though surprisingly , in fact he defended him !! Still he defended his cousin’s position, brought up the Khaled Islambouli’s body thing and Aboud Zomor’s long time imprisonment !!
Talaat Sadat and the truth behind the assassination of president Sadat
The autopsy report of President Sadat was modified and the doctor who made the report was afraid to say the truth. Already God knows that I have heard this before from my late grandfather may Allah bless his soul that the bullet that killed Sadat was from behind. The real killer was not Hussein Abbas nor Islambouli , the killer was from the podium.
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Khaled firing at the podium |
The video accuses then MJ. Ahmed Hatata of killing the president by spraying nerve gas from his watch to the face of the late president to make sure that he was finished. It also claims that former PM Mamdouh Salam helped Mubarak to escape to the presidential Cadillac car with the help of foreign men !! They do not look foreign to me.
The fact that Mubarak did not get a scratch , sorry got some injury in his finger raised many eye brows in Egypt then. Of course Egyptians made jokes about it that he got that finger injury while he was referring to Sadat besides him .
The video is by far very interesting.
- All those who responsible of the security of the podium and President Sadat were promoted after this attack !!
- The security forces knew that there were plans against Sadat and saw videos showing the Islamic Jihad wanted to kill him but did technically nothing.
- It was very unorganized military parade , aside of the assassination it was by far the worse many army vehicles and motorcycle broke down so when the Islambouli’s truck broke down nobody suspected anything !!
- The security vehicles on the right an left of the podium responsible for the president’s security suddenly disappeared !!
- What Islambouli allegedly said to Mubarak : We do not want you , we want him !!
Not only the Sadats or most of the Sadats believe that President Sadat was killed in a big conspiracy but they have found unlike ally in leftist politician Abu El-Ezz Hariri who was being imprisoned during the Sadat era !! Former MP and famous politician spoke about the assassination and its surrounding based on Joseph Trento’s book “Prelude to terror”. We mentioned this very interesting book before when we spoke about Hussein Salem. Oh yes all ways go back to Hussein Salem , Mubarak and Abu Ghazla along with their small partnership of Les ailes blanches , in fact Edwin Wilson was also there as well !!
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Sadat, Abu Ghazla and Mubarak |
All those responsible for the security in time of Sadat especially the security of the podium are sticking to the official story , there is no doubt that they are trying to defend themselves. Nobody thought the file would be opened in this way and they would be considered as accomplice. Yesterday Al Ahram published an interview with one of the Sadat’s bodyguards sticking to the official story.
Tomorrow Gamal Sadat , the son of President Sadat is going to speak about the matter at Mona El-Shazly’s show ,
Rakia testified today in front of the general prosecutor by the way and Anis Mansour as usual turned against Mubarak “it took a longer time than with Sadat” and said that former minister of interior Nabawy Ismail said that Mubarak was responsible of the podium’s security.
Probably you wonder now why Mubarak would be behind the assassination and why many Egyptians start to believe that there was something fishy in the Sadat’s , well this needs another separate post.
Zeinobia, what do you know about the fatal helicopter crash that Killed Gen Ahmad Badawi and many others (ALLAH yerhamhom) shortly after the assassination? Do you think the two are related, or that Mubarak was getting rid of a rival?
ReplyDeleteI have always wondered how an Islamist extremist could not hit Mubarak who was sitting next to Sadat - at least grazing him. This appears to be the Egyptian version of the Kennedy assassination, and one that may never be resolved to anyone's satisfaction.
ReplyDeleteMubarak was hit by gunfire during the attack. This does not mean he was or was not involved in Sadat's murder. It could have been planned that way to look good. But he was injured.
DeleteWhat I really can't let go is Aboud El-Zomor's interview with Randa Aboul Azm (Al-Arabeya).. The fact that he showed no remorse killed me.. My question is: Why was he released "NOW"? He was eligible for release 10 years ago and was denied over and over… Why now with all the chaos of the Revolution?? Who wants more chaos and whose behind his release?
ReplyDeleteThe officer who confirmed strongly that Khaled El Islambolly was executed said that the 12 soldiers who were to perform the execution had live and blank ammunition… Then he talked about the "weird" incident of Khaled's head not turning then turned at the last moment when the Officer in Command went to kill him by his gun!!! I don't know whether to laugh or curse?? They still think we can swallow any crap they tell us!! Then he says that they found 12 rounds of bullets in his chest? What? 12 Bullets? Didn’t he just say that some where blanks?? And didn’t he say that he did not really witness the execution, he heard from behind the hill?? Oxymoron excuses that contradict themselves…
Rokaia El Sadat seeing Khaled El Islambolly in Mecca is conceivable to me… if someone had killed my father by God I will never forget how he looks like, especially that he looked like a pig… but there is a possibility that she got mixed up. Why won't they disclose of where he was buried or show us a picture? Many people now can talk about the assassination and execution and not a single person can come up and say "I was there when they buried him"… what a load of crap!!
My question again "Why was Aboud El Zomor released now and who's behind it?
Zeinab you wrote this post like you lived in that era. I am sorry to tell you that your post is full of inaccuracies and distortion of the truth.
ReplyDeleteSadat had many enemies by the time of his assassination and many wished he was dead.
The corruption started with Essmat and his sons specially Effat and Talaat. This is by the way not something that I have read but personally witnessed.
I don't think that Mubarak or Abu Ghazala had anything to do with Sadat's assassination for many reasons.
"The video is showing VP Mubarak then throwing chair over Sadat as he wanted him to die", many people around Sadat were throwing chairs on Sadat trying to shield him from the bullets.
"The video accuses then MJ. Ahmed Hatata of killing the president by spraying nerve gas from his watch to the face of the late president to make sure that he was finished", Come on you really believe that was true?. you think that the nerve gas will not affect Hatata himself?
Lastly if I want to kill my president by conspiring with people to shoot at him, I would make sure that I am not sitting next to him.
When Mubarak through the chair, there were no bullets or something to protect Sadat from, Sadat was only trying to stand.
ReplyDeleteHatata can hold his breath for a minute + isn't it strange that Hatata just have a look at Sadat and leave at once and disappear like that.
Mubarak can wear a bullet proof + it is said that the film shot by the Egyptian T.V has disappeared because it shows that both Mubarak and Aboghazala hide under their chairs when Alislamboli arrived and only Sadat was standing.
But God knows the truth, these are only some thoughts that came to mind when I read your comments.
Over here in the foxhole of the world's best terrorists (GUAM , USA) we know that the killing of the Israelis in Ras Burqa was performed by a relative of a former two-term governor of the island territory. We also know (by simple DNA testing and visual clues)that the current governor of the US territory is a bastard son of Mubarak and that the CIA director George Tenet is a bastard son of Ghazala. All the US does is invite foreign dignitaries to this pussypalce, make videos and relesee them into their stooge positions. Tenets name before George was Victor Mesa and the billions robbed from Egypt are in the Calvo Insurance group holdings. The assassination was conducted by halfbreed egyptian sons of prostitutes of the Territory of Guam. Their ages coincide. Victo Mesa's appearance next to defense attache William Cohen at the U.S. embassy in Germany in the mid 1980's is just another clue. The pornography filmed with Bill Clinton on Guam in 1998 on Guam can be found in the sincityfilms.com production called "Asian F-ck Dolls" volume 4" you can hear his (the U.S. president's voice clearly.