
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Mubarak Trial : Important witness indeed

@11: 29 AM

Ok from an hour ago the Mubarak trial has resumed after the arrival of Mubarak to the court on his usual medical stretcher wearing yesterday’s training suit.

 Today the court will hear the testimonies of the 8th and 9th prosecution’s witnesses : Essam Hussein Shawky and Hussein Abdel Hady.
Now according to Sources inside the court it seems that police colonel Essam Shawky’s testimony is actually the real smoking gun in the case as he allegedly presented a CD to the court showing the live ammunition used by CSF to shoot the protesters in Cairo and Alexandria. 
Shawky revealed that the minister of interior had a meeting of January 27th and put unprecedented plan to ban protesting by all means !! By all means means : Hiding police cars , calling on police reserves and cutting Mobile SMS.
He also stated that El Adly ordered that the police will be armed with live ammunition. He also added that El Adly gave his orders to cut the internet and mobile phone lines. 
In the prosecution investigation Col. Shawky said that he guided the prosecution to evidence that incriminating El Adly and his aides in the killing of the protesters case.
Shawky revealed that he asked the public prosecutor to take a copy from the communications of the CSF before it was destroyed and the public prosecutor was to lazy to do it.
He also revealed that there were automatic guns in Down Town Cairo and clear orders from the CSF's operation room to deal with the protesters without returning back to the operation.
In the end of his testimony the civil claims rights lawyers saluted Shawky and did not ask him any question unlike the defendants’ lawyers who asked him weak questions.
Shawky was not summoned by the prosecution office , he is the one who went to the public prosecutor and presented this information.
Gamal Mubarak was reportedly nervous during Shawky’s testimony.

@12: 21 PM

Judge Ahmed Rafaet has suspended the case because of the conduct of the defendants' lawyers who went coco after Essam Hosni Abbas who needs an immediate protection, public protection. 
Essam Hosni is a national hero and social network sensation.  The 39 years old Essan Hosni Abbas Shawky
is a police colonel who works in the Conscripts affairs and allegedly refused to carry the orders and shoot the protesters. It was also revealed that he went himself to the public prosecution. This man needs a true public protection. 
The next witness will be Major Mohamed El Hosseiny Farg.

@12: 59 PM

The session is resumed and judge Rafaet criticizes the defendant lawyers' conduct. The next witness , the 9th witness is police General Hussein Abdel Hamid , the former aide minister for CSF affairs who attended the interior meeting on January 27th and told Essam Abbas about ti. 
The defendants' lawyers are demanding the testimony of Essam Abbas' direct manager.

@1: 12 PM

Mubarak had no comment on the testimony of the 8th witness while Habib El Adly denied totally. Currently the court is listening to the testimony of Hussein Abdel Hamid.

@2:41 PM

The judge has suspended the case for the second time and will return to complete hearing the testimony of the 9th witness who turned to have an explosive testimony just like the 8th witness. 
9th witness is police general Hussein Abdel Hamid and he said during the meeting held on January 27th in the ministry
Later I will compile more information about his extremely important testimony. 


  1. Mubark in this photo resemble King Tut position. Priceless!

  2. thanks Z. I hope those honest witness will be protected since their confession is very important in this case.

  3. Poor Hosni laying there in his hospital stretcher looking sad, but hey.... notice his hair color dye and coiffure is always impeccable.


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