
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ultras X CSF : We need more videos like this

Officially the public prosecution accused the Ultras Ahlawy of torching and smashing cars in the Salah Salem area outside Cairo stadium after the football game yesterday during the clashes between the CSF and Ultras

Unofficially according the testimonies of several eye witnesses on twitter as well family friends  CSF conscripts were the ones who smashed the cars along Salah Salem road. I could not find a video showing this except one

Nasr City : Who is smashing the cars now !?

There are other people who say that the Ultras boys were the ones who torched and smashed the cars as well.

Ok we are in revolution time, if you see something like this either you film it with you camera or mobile phone camera or you report or even better do the both. Whether it is the CSF or the Ultras we want to know the truth and we want to have the state of the law in our country.

By the way the special Ultras Ahlawy song about police officers in Egypt has become a viral , I love this song already.

Ultras Ahlawy : He is always loser

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