
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A big Day at the journalists Syndicate "Updated"

I think this is the first time the journalists in Egypt can elect the chairman of the journalists’ syndicate freely without the regime control , I think it is the first time the state security does not interfere as far as I know in the elections.
Today the Egyptian journalists will not only elect a new chairman of the journalists synndicate in Cairo but as well a general assembly. Journalist Yahia Qallash is facing competition from Mamdouh Wally as you can see from Ahram Online report yet even though I am not a member in the journalists’ syndicate I prefer Qallash over Wally due to his great stands in many occasions during the Mubarak era when he was a member in the syndicate's board.
Now today the minister of information Osama Heikal has been booed by young journalists at the syndicate after casting his vote in the elections , the thing which forced him to leave quickly.
There  is always hope.
I hope the new chairman of the syndicate along with the new syndicate's board consider the difficult terms for joining the syndicate so it would be much easier as well as protective to young journalists , freelance journalists as well as citizen journalists and news bloggers. 
May Allah bless the soul of my grandfather and all the honorable journalists that waited for this day.
Updated : 
Mamdouh Wally has won the elections and he has become the first chairman for the journalists' syndicate after the revolution. I hope that he will be better than previous chairmen.


  1. Mahmoud Wally is the Ikhwan's candidate, right?

  2. Actually he is not MB but supported by the MB


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