
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Breaking News : Khaled Said’s murderers got sentence

This has been just announced  now from Criminal court in Alexandria :
The two policemen accused of murdering Khaled Said were found guilty and have been sentenced 7 years in Jail.
The families of the two policemen have allegedly attacked the family of Khaled Said and his lawyers after the sentence.
More details to come.
This is the maximum penalty for arrest without order,using cruelty and physical torture charges according to penalty law no.128. The prosecution did not change the charges according to the new forensic report nor the court agreed to change the charge after that new forensic report too !!
People are extremely angry whether on twitter or Facebook or News websites.
I am kind of shocked but i have seen this.
Now We are all Khaled Said got this status :
Khaled is still unhappy 
Khaled Said means in Arabic "Immortal happy"

Wael Ghonim tweeted the following :

حقنا كلنا نغضب بس احنا في معركة .. وحق خالد وكل المصريين اللي زيه هيرجعWed Oct 26 14:21:43 via web

It is our right to get angry but we are in a battle ... Khaled's right and all the Egyptians like him will be restored. 
Ameen to that !!
Ok human rights activist Hafiz Abu Saeda is working on a legal memo in order to represent to it the public prosecution office. From I understand that legal memo is to appeal the court's rule and to change the charge to death from torture based on the fact that Egypt sign international anti-torture agreements. Khaled Said's uncle Ali Kassem has agreed on that procedure. Khaled Said's family is extremely angry.
Now if we are speaking about appeal , well the appeal is usually requested is by the defendants's lawyers or by the prosecution. The appeal logically will not  raise the charge and the penalty on the contrary the appeal usually either accept to decrease the charge and the penalty or refuse the appeal.
If you think about this court rule is actually a conviction but a conviction to who and for what charge ?
The officers who gave the orders are not included in the case already while they should be behind the bars not only the two policemen.
This is not a political court rule , it is not a SCAF thing as some are blaming the generals now because there is something called judge , there is something called prosecution that should have really served lady justice as it should blindly.
By the anger and despair not to mention violence will not restore Khaled Said's right as you may think.  I would like all my Egyptian friends to read these words from Kolena Khaled Said. 


  1. Very clear article. Thank You. There is a real chance to get the Court & the Judge to reconsider. If that happens it starts a betterment programme for NoMilitaryTrials, Maikel, Samira and so many other cases.
    I hope & pray that the Appeal succeeds.

  2. I'm quite shocked, I might have imagined this farce to take place before the revolution but haven't imagined so after our great uprising as I was full of hope that things will take different course in all fields specially in this critical entity which is supposed to be the only legal one that convicts and punishes the criminal and restores the rights of the victims. I have been following this case since its very beginning from the moment this young man was sentenced to death in that brutal way by the hands of these unmerciful bastards. I live near Sidi Gaber police station and knew about this crime in details before being published in the media that's why I sympathized with it and can honestly admit that it acted as a turning point in the way I used to view political and social corruption taking place around us specially after viewing the before and after photo of this innocent young man. Hope this isn't the end and a decisive action is to take place in the near future.


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