
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our boy in Space

Ok God knows how much we need this , here is our bright Space Boy Amr Mohamed's experience being implemented in space and the whole world will be watching it live on YouTube.The live event will start at 14:50 GMT.

 This is what Islam does need and this is how we stop anyone from insulting us.


  1. Zeinobia, I am so disappointed in the events in Egypt. Part of freedom is to be able to voice your opinion in all things without the resulting violent chaos. We do not storm your embassy or burn your flag. We have never done this for any nation that has expressed nothing but hate for America. We respect all people and countries that are honorable. America has been kind to Egypt. We provide incredible amounts of our tax dollars to help your country grow. We have been dear friends but I do believe we should allow Egypt to now stand on its own two feet. You have called for freedom and a democracy. These are cherished by us. But attacking our embassy is as attacking the United States of America. This is no way to treat a friend who has given so much.

  2. Zeinobia, I am so disappointed in the events in Egypt. Part of freedom is to be able to voice your opinion in all things without the resulting violent chaos. We do not storm your embassy or burn your flag. We have never done this for any nation that has expressed nothing but hate for America. We respect all people and countries that are honorable. America has been kind to Egypt. We provide incredible amounts of our tax dollars to help your country grow. We have been dear friends but I do believe we should allow Egypt to now stand on its own two feet. You have called for freedom and a democracy. These are cherished by us. But attacking our embassy is as attacking the United States of America. This is no way to treat a friend who has given so much.

    1. I agree that attacking an embassy is a crime and those who do it shall be punished. However, your aid to Egypt comes with a condition and this is to buy your arms. In the end we are left with nothing. Keep your monies and we stop buying form your products.
      For the nefarious motive to protect Israel you have implemented a Mubarak regime that was oppressing 80 millions of humble and genuinely friendly human beings. Are you even aware how much harm and injustice you are doing to others. You don't respect us and you don't respect anybody. Your greed for oil and money is beyond comparison. You allow an Israeli-American to insult our religion in the most heinous ways and expect us to be grateful. you gave us nothing but sorrow and pain and insult.

    2. You have no reason to storm our embassy or burn our flag. We are not the country who has been at perpetual war for 60 years with the Muslim world and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The American record on Human rights is appalling. Your country is not a signatory to the ICC or ICJ simply because that would mean that the International Courts would be arresting your leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity ie Bush! Your support for the terrorist state of Israel that launched that massacre in Gaza which killed 400 children and your government said not one word about it! Likewise what are they doing about Rachel Corrie an American Citizen? The Muslim world feels under attack day and night from the US and the aid is not aid as you think. That money is a bribe. A bribe to allow Suez crossing and your planes overflights and the vast majority of it is returned to the USA in USA ONLY contracts and deals to buy and assemble US goods with the stipulation that Egypt used 12-20% Israeli parts in the assembly!!! Ron Paul is a president the world could work with but currently it seems the Americans are high on the drug of war. Did you not learn from Vietnam and now Iraq and Afghanistan. The Americans are not the ones to lecture others on democracy. Tell me how much democracy and right to free speech would I get if I mentioned the word 'bomb' in an airport? or said the holocaust never happened. Would I have the right to say that and not be put in jail? Egypt in many ways is freer that the average American. Your president just made law extra judicial killing of American citizens! what kind of democracy is that?

    3. Totally agree with you The Islamist. The Americans seem to think they are all Mother Theresas and Ghandis when the opposite is true. The USA is a perpetual war machine out to destroy the nations surrounding their Israeli devil.

  3. what arrogance. If they are a wind up well...! but if meant seriously you miss the fact thst for the last 40 years (or more) America has been screwing Egypt over. Also a lot of virulent hate comes from the religious right and pro zionist lobby. Plenty of reasons to not really consider america a "dear friend". Despite that most Egyptians and muslims would still offer a hand of friendship if sincere. And regaridng the film, have you seen it? I am sickened by having seen it. I thought I had better to be able to criticise now I have hurtful images which will stay for a long while. All of it insulting bullshit of a purient and disgusting nature. The violence is roundly condemended by all leading "religious" parties and most protesters were there for a silent protest. The trouble is more to do with other agendas. For that Egyptians shpould apologise but at the same time America needs to go beyond criticism of the film and seek to detain the individuals involved for endangering lives through such reckless hate crime. Life is not simple and your comments to be quite frank are, as I had siad, either niaive bullshit of just a sneaky snipe at poor Zeinobia!

    1. That movie to any Muslim on any forums is it repeats the exact same filth that comes out of the zionist posters on any forums. Take a look at any political forum and read the zionist filth that they post against Muslims and the lies after lies after lies about the prophet repeated daily as their mantra. Dont believe me?.... take a look at any forum where zionists and their American radical extremist Christian supporters post! It's disgusting and part of a bigger plan make no mistake. It's only got to this stage and this level because the USA allows it in their constitution. hate speech is allowed by law. Hate speech of course against everyone EXCEPT Jews because then EVERYTHING then becomes anti semitic! Boy they really have screwed the Americans over and have them as their puppets!

  4. Zeinobia
    These days ignorant people grew beards and call themselves sheikhs and gain undeserved respects as the guides of the masses in Egypt and the middle east today. In the seventies in Egypt those were recognized as what they are “symbol of ignorance” . Egypt in the seventies were striving for the like of that boy (regardless of the dictatorship in government). The like of Magudy Yaqoub speaks for itself. I don’t know how Egypt allowed itself to drown to the level it is in today?. Those Salafis were the symbol of stupidity in the eyes and mind of young students in universities. Now they are among your leaders. God help Egypt.

    1. It's time for Egyptians to debate and bring out into the open discussions about the rise of this Saudi inspired Wahabi ideology and call it what it is, WAHABI! and its destruction of intellect in the Arab world.It's target is the illiterate and Saudi Arabia and it's various channels like Al Nas need to be pulled off the satellites!!!!

  5. I do not apologize for our treasured freedom of speech. If we reacted to every insult our feelings would indeed be hurt. Egypt must go it alone. Inciting riots within Egypt does not bring you together as a nation. I could care a less what a movie says. I have the power to not react. To change the channel and consider how I might take action to restore order and leave the past behind. We don't want you as a people to suffer under any dictatorship. Focus on a peaceful future. Regardless of our 1.6 billion dollars of tax payer support or tourism, Egypt has the hope to be free! However, Egypt decides how it must stand in the world. I do know the goodness of the Egyptian people. My heart hurts for a people I love. Please don't assume otherwise.

    1. You are naive to think this is just about a movie. This goes way deeper but I dont expect an American to process that thought too much. Your fighter jets are pounding and bombing people and you say collateral damage as if it is nothing! Your drones are killing people every day! It is YOU who are the ones creating war after war with your mental presidents hearing Gods voice in their head! You have no respect for human life nor respect for the UN nor respect for NAM who outnumber your tiny security council. Thank God we have Russia and China that is stopping you from enjoying another killing spree in Syria from the air as you pound Muslims from your jet fighter cockpits and drone control rooms! and all for what? one tiny corrupt strip of land filled with rodents that named itself Israel! If Israel did not exist there would be NO Middle EAST CRISIS FOR SO LONG! It is AMERICA that feeds that cancer.

  6. @Zeinobia "this is how we stop anyone from insulting us"

    Amr Mohamed's experiment with spiders is indeed commendable, but not because it will stop anyone insulting Muslims. It won't. It's just an interesting experiment he came up with and that's plenty of reason to applaud Amr and encourage others to follow his example.

    Perhaps Egypt should have a national educational campaign explaining that the proscription against insulting Islam applies only to Muslims, and that Muslims should pay no attention when non-Muslims insult Islam.

    @The Islamist and @Latifa

    Nobody is making you accept American money or buy American arms. It takes two to make a deal. It's not true that you end up with nothing; you end up with arms. Expensive arms that you wanted or you wouldn't have bought them. Stop taking American money, stop buying American arms, and stop whining. We don't care.

    Latifa if you are sickened by having seen such a laughable film you really need to get out more.

  7. Now you see what democracy is like. Along with the good we must endure the bad. It doesn't matter you religion, your political views or the color of your hair someone will have a bad word for you. Sorry but it's called free speech and as vile as words written, spoken or on film may be it is the freedom to speak your mind that is important. Anything else is not freedom no matter how much we all agree.
    Step back take a deep breath and analyze a situation before taking up arms because there are extremists of every type in the world now and they will do everything they can to rile the masses. We used to ignore them as crazy yet now they have the spotlight.
    Let me add that the majority of us here in the U.S. have not been brought up to show any disrespect especially not to another's religion.

    I join with Zeinobia. Let's all celebrate Egypt's accomplishments.

  8. I think more muslims insult muslims by killing them. The Taliban
    insulted muslims recently by beheading a number of them. Afghanistan was pure hell when they ruled it and thousands became refugees. Assad (a muslim) is busy insulting a lot of muslims.

    A movie or a book is not equal to or as important as a human life.

    1. Most killings of exterme muslims are of other muslims (have we forgotten Syria?), and we still hear this bullshit chanting of "US, Israel, Zionism".

      If people here think that the relations and aid from the US is detrimental to Egypt, why dont you stop taking aid?

      if people think that the US aid is just weapons, why dont you stop taking it?
      if people think that the aid is just for protecting Israel, why dont stop taking it and declare war on Israel? Gee, wait a minute, dont you need weapons for that?

  9. I heard about this video on TV
    America are idiots

    1. No, you! And you're a fatass. Have some consideration for the others on the beach. Buy a one-piece bathing suit.

  10. To Demeur and Pirooz, Thank you for your voices of reason!

  11. If people insult you constantly, what do you do?

    Brush it off...that's what you gotta do.

    1. It's a much bigger problem that a movie.

      The real problem is Israel and unbelievably they are the ones who are desperate to start WW3 and a nuclear holocaust on zero evidence of WMD's just as Bush lied about Iraq. ZERO evidence yet the wild dog zionists are willing to turn the planet into a wasteland based on zero evidence. Tell me who are the crazy ones in the world today? the Muslims who stand up against these lunatics or the Americans who fund and arm and pay homage to them?

  12. US Burned Iraq ... Where Is The Outrage For Killing The Civilians ?????

    1. Most civilians in Iraq died at the hands of their fellow Muslims.


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