
Friday, September 14, 2012

#USEmbassy : Another Mad Day in #Tunis, #Yemen , Lebanon and Sudan , search for politics before religion

And after Cairo , US embassies in Tunis , Yemen ,Lebanon and Sudan are being attacked and stormed by angry protesters who allegedly are objecting the offensive film that no one would have heard if it were not for the Islamist media and parties in Egypt !!!!!
In Tunis 3 dead and 28 injured after hours of clashes between Salafists and security forces at the US embassy. Already a Tunisian counter terrorism squad along with US Marines managed to secure the US ambassador and get him out from the complex. The Salafists along with alleged members of radical Hizb El Tahrir members in Tunisia managed to replace the US flag in the embassy with the Black so-called flag and to set fire in some building in the embassy.
The Salafists also set the American embassy on fire. It is worth to mention that from watching the live broadcast from Tunis in Al Jazeera Mubshar no one can deny that the Tunisian security forces seemed to be slow and clumsy in a way that surprises me. Here is a clip filmed inside the embassy.
The Salafists in Tunisia have become a true violent threat and a burden on Al Nadha Islamist government “The MB branch in Tunisia”.
Some think that Salafists , Hizb El Tahrir and Al Qaeda are giving the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and Tunisia hard time to remind them that they are not the only Islamist power and group in the region.
Now Tunisians are telling me that there was something abnormal in the US embassy's breaching , again no army or security forces except when it was too late !!
Here is a video report from the famous Nawaat website

Moving to Yemen , clashes continued between angry protesters and security forces. The US Marine have arrived to the country to protect their diplomatic commission in Yemen. Now we speak about Yemen , US and Al Qaeda , I believe it has more to do with Al Qaeda and its militants in the country than some offensive film most of the Yemeni protesters have not seen. It is worth to mention that the Yemeni Pro-Revolutionary Facebook Pages criticized the storming of US embassy and the looting that took place !!
Real protesters won’t do this , the whole scene is insulting to Islam by all measures. Now government sources in Yemen accuse Houthis  as well the supporters of Ali Abdullah Saleh of standing behind the storming of the embassy. According to eye witnesses most of the protesters that headed to the US came from outside Sana’a armed
Already I can not find a connection between Houthis and Al Qaeda as the first is a Shiite radical organization sponsored by Iran but I know there is a lot of shit going in Yemen beyond some film almost nobody in Yemen knew about before 9/11 this year. Today thousands went protesting against the film peacefully for real in Yemen.
Despite Yemen is highly armed society , it people have been protesting for days now against the film in several areas of the country peacefully in numbers more than you can imagine it. The fact that the supporters of Ali Abdullah Saleh were among the protesters at the US embassy is interesting because we got the same thing in Cairo.
4 Yemenis were killed and 48 have been injured yesterday in Sana’a.
Moving to Sudan which got the biggest share of jokes unfortunately today as protesters torched German and British embassies before torching the US embassy in very dark comedy scene.
Now we speak about Sudan , we can not ignore politics here as these protests are permitted in the first place by the government and I have noticed in the video footage from the protests that “The Public defense troops”which popular groups following the Sudanese regime were transferring the protesters. Of course my words seem to be strange because the security forces dispersed the protests allegedly killing one but what I am saying is based on the testimonies of Sudanese activists who know how things are in their own country. 
It is worth to mention to that El Bashir is going to visit Cairo later this month. Another test for Morsi is coming in the way. Needless to Say El Bashir is the biggest insult himself for Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” and Islam with his crimes against humanity.
Moving to Lebanon and God knows what Lebanon is !!! In Case you do not know one protester was killed and 15 policemen injured in clashes between angry protesters and security forces in the city of Tripoli where there is huge concentration of Sunni Salafist groups. In another dark irony , these protesters set KFC and Hardees's on fire !! Today the Pope is paying a visit to the country that instability is part of its characteristics especially lately.
What is happening in Egypt,Tunisia, Yemen , Lebanon and Sudan got nothing to do with Religion or Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” , it has to do with politics from A to Z using the oldest trick in the book : Religious emotions.
Strangely nothing violent taking place in the Gulf or Morocco or Algeria or Jordan today.
These violent protests give the impression in very critical timing that the Arab Spring has failed which is untrue and that Arab Muslims should be ruled by dictators who send Islamists to jails which is also untrue. Each of these protests in those countries should be dealt as separate case in order to know what is going on for real in a logic way aside from the fact that they are just angry Muslims.


  1. شكل ومجريات الأمور يضعها خارج نطاق رد الفعل الدينى فعلا وإن كانت هناك عوامل مشتركة كثيرة لا يمكن إغفالهاأيضا:
    1- إقتصار الأحداث على الدول الرخوة أمنيا فى المنطقة دون غيرها كما أشرت فحتى أفغانستان وباكستان السباقتان عادة فى ردودالأفعال العنيفة عندما يتعلق الأمر بالدين لم تتحركاهذه المرة وكأن أحد أخرجهما من اللعبة لأسبابه....
    2- تحويل الهجمة من الفيلم إلى أمريكا الدولة وبعثاتها الدبلوماسية ومؤسساتها مثل المدرسة الأمريكية فى تونس ورموزها مثل ماكدونالدز فى طرابلس لبنان
    3- إشتعال الأحداث فى 11 سبتمبر تحديدا يصعب بل وربما يستحيل تصور أنه من باب المصادفة ولا يعنى شيئا أو لا يحمل رسالة ما لأمريكا
    4- الرايات السود ، صور بن لادن والهتافات المشتركة فى مواقع الأحداث على تباعدها
    5- وأخيرا ربما لهذه الأمور صلة بعرض أيمن الظواهرى لهدنة مدتها عشرة سنوات مع أمريكا والغرب والذى قدمه أخيه محمد من خلال السى أن أن فى القاهرة فى 10 سبتمبر وربما العشر سنوات أو أقل منها هى المدة التى يراها تنظيم القاعدة كافية لإلتقاط أنفاسه وتثبيت أقدامه فى المنطقة لمواجهة جديدة مع أمريكا والغرب كما أنه من الصعب جدا وربما المستحيل تصور أن كل أعضاء التنظيمات الإسلامية المختلفة الأحرار فى مصر الآن متفرغين للعبادة وقيام الليل وعمل الخير

  2. Everything is spinning out of control. Thank you for covering these events so assiduously, Zeinobia.

  3. Wonderful summary, Zeinobia. What do you think about Obama saying 'I don’t think that we would consider [Egypt] an ally'?

  4. It's time to close down the Saudi funded Wahabi channels churning out the Wahabi ideology and for Egyptians to clearly send a message to the Wahabi salafists that Egypt is not a home to their radical ideology and they should move to Saudi Arabia if they want totalitarian radical extremist leadership

    1. Agree Anon, except with you labelling it as "wahabi salafist ideology" , that implies they have a brain forming ideas they follow!! the fact is they don't . To gave you an example; they calim that women must wear higuab/niquab based on so called religous believe!!, if that what they really believe as Islam requires, then why they have fancy TVs in their palaces and watch western women dresing/undressing the way they like..if religion in your head ask you to believe in something? why do you enjoy violating it with other people??if you ask your family women not to dress like those "un-higabies"???. To say :their ideology implies they have a brain, but they don't. Another question, if the salafie/Saudies feal hurt by that stupid Movie/Video ? why don't they demonstrate around US embassies in Saudi Arabia and other rich Gulf states???!!That will hurt their pockets...So they ask poor Egyptian/Yemenies puppets to act that way or another

    2. Obama begged Erdogan and Morsi to address the worlds Muslims to calm the rioting. WHY?
      Why did he not call the so called self appointed Guardian of the Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina who you would think would be the spokesperson who would be the likely one to engage the worlds Muslims? I tell you why. Because the House of Saud is a fraud. They are not Muslims by any stretch of the imagination and the quicker Muslims realise that the better. Even Obama figured that out and that was why he never bothered to lift the phone to call the Al Saud tribe.

  5. Hey, it's me Alicia/Aisha. Just checking up on you during these dark times. The world is really getting bad now. Thanks for the informative information above.

    1. Hey Alicia/Aisha , how are you dear :))) it has been a long time sweety , well I am fine thank God ,there have been much darker times in Egypt :))

  6. The President OBama, said this to the Argentinian President, and THEN afterwards, got Morsi on the telephone at 10PM, to speak to him for 20 minutes said the WH. The conversation went along the lines of reading the riot act to him, i.e. "telling it straight and blunt" that he had to tell his Brotherhood group, to call off the scheduled protests, or else? (not sure what that or else was)....perhaps money. ? Bottom line is the Brotherhood called for temperance, thank god, diffusing somewhat what they originally had called for, showing up and more protests with the already larger disgruntled younger folks who hate the riot police and the journalists, (CNN, Shahira Amin, Ben Wedemann, etc, ) show up anywhere and protest anything, if there is advantage to throw molotof cocktails. But 2,000 people is hardly a majority in a country of 90 millions ! Get real, of course the U.S. had meddled long enough in this region. The White House again, did later on, (after the Morsi conversation at 10PM), issue a clarification on the legality of what an ally is in NATO, etc. It was more a scare tactic for the new President, to see where he actually stood, nothing else!

    1. Your sources are wrong. Obama called Erdogan and Morsi pleading with them to speak to the Muslim ummah. They both did. If you think Obama threatened Erdogan and Morsi then you watch too much Fox News.

  7. added: According to ABC News, White House aides carefully clarified Obama's remarks.

    "Ally' is a legal term of art. We don't have a mutual defense treaty with Egypt like we do with our NATO allies," the report quoted White House National Security Council spokesman, Tommy Vietor, as saying.

    "But as the President has said, Egypt is long-standing and close partner of the United States, and we have built on that foundation by supporting Egypt's transition to democracy and working with the new government," he added. (ANI)

    1. Realize that the US government had nothing to do with that stupid film yet their embassies were attacked and their personnel killed.
      Yet the hypocrite MB in Egypt issued conflicting statements in English, sympathizing with the US, and at the same time another in Arabic urging Egyptians to carry on their attacks.
      From now on, the West will view the governing MB differently in future dealings.

    2. factually wrong
      The MB asked for the US ambassador to quote the alleged Tweets and she did not because there were none.


    1. Hot air .com Fox News . com most people outside the controlled US media know the reality and it was Erdogan and Morsi that Obama pleaded with to calm the situation.

  9. Would you really say that in Egypt Salafis are responsible for the embassy violance? Unfortunately I am not in town but from Al-Jazeera I got the impression that these guys fighting against security forces are mainly young men who just want to fight without having stronger religious background - I also read about Ulras Zamalek participating in the events...

    1. The Saudi owned Al Nas Channel that is the big Wahabi salafist channel in Egypt was the ONLY CHANNEL that took Copt Morris Sadek translated movie clip and broadcast it in Egypt.
      If it were not for the Saudi Wahabi extremist channel Al Nas, NO ONE would have known about this video which makes you wonder what the Saudi channels intention really was........................?

    2. And you think those young men are suddenly expressing their honest reactions ! where where they fifty years ago before the (Arab spring He He???) . Does it take a genous to analyze that those demonstrations are planned to create chaos in the Middle East?? Why they aren't in the rich Gulf states and the claimed protector of Islam "Saudi Arabia" ?. Peaople shouldbe taught that religion is a spiritual connection between you and God, it is not how other humans see you . It is not like stupidly expressing your feeling towards other Soccer Club fans after winning or loosing a game (like the stupid port-Said story). People should learn and practice religion the way God words askk them to do not what bearded people with money ask them to do.. If Egyptians (at most) and other Arab youngs let themselves driven that fast in the stupid road designed by the US/Israel/Saudi club, then they got what they hopped for...


  11. To one of the many Anoynomous avatars:

    I'd NEVER watch Fox News, EVER! Not a tad bit reliable, btw. Pass it on.

  12. p.s. watch your manners, :)

  13. The one thing consistent at every protest was the flying of the SAUDI national flag. Even in Sydney today !

  14. The really sad thing about Egypt and most of struggling middle east contries is that huge majority are poor,and are subject of outside manipulations and controls. With the blessing of the internet, young Egyptians, Syrians, Tunisians..etc may become aware they are treated like dummies by the Saudi/US money,safely nothing they can safely do except pray to god to help them stop that develish plan in execution in the middle east.

    1. The really sad things about Egypt and most of struggling middle east contries is that the middle and upper classes does not take responsibility for the lower classes and educate them. They leave this task to the religious parties which prefer to keep the lower classes ignorant and poor.

  15. Z: Here is the latest I can find, including photos of the infamous Sam Bacile, his arrest warrant from a Fraud case, etc:


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