
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our Mona arrested in NY Subway for defacing racist ads !!

Mona El Tahawy , yes our Mona El Tahawy has been arrested in New York Subway today after defacing that ugly Pro-Israel ad that equates Israel enemies as “savages”.
New York Post reported the incident and strangely the reporters of NY Post did not bother to Google Mona’s name online to know who she is, she is not just an American Egyptian angry lone protester !!!!!
Here is a video clip showing Mona spraying the ad debating some lady called Pamela Hall who was filming Mona.

Hall and her group knew that Mona was going to spray that ad from her twitter account.

Friends in Cairo are trying to reach Mona in order to see what has happened to her. Honestly I respect what she did. Bravo Mona for real.

Update : 

Mona was held overnight at the police station , she is facing a mischief misdemeanor. she is fine now. We are waiting to see her tweeting about the whole experience.

Now amazingly and ironically Mona is being labelled as Islamic Supremacist journalist !!! Yes Mona El Tahawy who is considered an Ultra liberal Muslim that supports secularism is being labelled as Islamic Supremacist !!! Here is the video of Pamela Hall.
It turns out that there are other activists who defaced this stupid ad but they were not caught like El Tahawy. 


  1. Spray painting the poster she didn't like was vandalism. (Not an exercise of free speech.) Spray painting Pamela Hall's clothing was assault. (A violent crime.)

    The Metropolitan Transit Authority tried to stop Pamela Geller putting the posters up, but she went to court and won. Free speech. Deal with it.

  2. What Mona El Tahawy should have done to exercise her free speech, of course, is to put up posters with an opposing view. But the concept of "free speech" eludes the poor addled woman. If I had my druthers she'd instantly be stripped of her American citizenship and deported to Egypt.

  3. Poor Mona, I can't believe she is so naive to announce her intention of defacing and vandalizing a racist ad in the New York subway on her twitter account. Not just that, she gave the opportunity for that b**ch to file assault charges against her and all on camera. I hope the American Arab anti discrimination committee hires an attorney for her. I will call them tomorrow. Please everybody use this link to report the incident and Mona next time when you want to deface something hateful and racist like that DON'T ANNOUNCE IT ON YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT. Just do it and post it on youtube.

  4. I salute Mona for trying to spray over that racist and disgusting ad. Damage of others property is not ok but in this case it is a legitimate action concearning the defaming content of that ad. Civilisation against barbaric people, how simple can ones mind be? That is thinking of the early last century, disgusting.

  5. It's funny Hazem and Anonymous are confused about the whole free speech thing. LOL. Vandalizing someone's poster which they paid for and which they got court approval for isn't an exercise of free speech, Islamofascistfaggotcunts. It's a crime. Hazem, I hope you get deported to Egypt too. Be glad I don't run the INS.

    1. woooo...what's with the language? Zeinobia, I understood that you were not going to tolerate insults in your blog...

    2. Stop whining about the c-word, Anonymous. I contribute high-quality commentary, and my use of profanity is limited and appropriate.

    3. That's your opinion....high-quality? hmmmm

  6. what is exactly racist un this poster?

  7. Jason: i believe you had a distortion about the ideology of rasicm,however whom made the ad knows exactly what racism means! israel is a racist entity terminating plastinians destroying there homes and replacing it by israeli settlements they just changed the name palestine to jihad in the ad to obelitrate the truth and blind the eyes when it comes to the actual situation!

  8. Jason,
    You are completely distorted like your media portraying "Mona El Tahawy" as being a pro-islamist activist .. They sure know better:))

    "Freedom of speech" & "Offending others" they go together bro ... Just remember that a court could ban publishing topless photos of a royalty preventing to offend HER majesty & sustain from doing the same that should offend more than a billion people.

    "Freedom of speech" & " Law order "....:))
    Do you have the guts to question the Holocaust victim's NUMBER ?!!
    Enough said,

    Though I am not with most of her ideas, but my deepest regards to you Mona...

    1. you want to know exact holocoust victim numbers? you think somebody have no guts? let me explain something very very basic. before 1941 in vilno, lituania there were 30 members of my grandmother family. after 1941 just one left - by criminally neglect of nazi police. this is holocoust, mister

    2. you want to know exact holocoust victim numbers? you think somebody have no guts? let me explain something very very basic. before 1941 in vilno, lituania there were 30 members of my grandmother family. after 1941 just one left - by criminally neglect of nazi police. this is holocoust, mister

  9. The gut to question the Holocaust victims number....What are you trying to say? it did not happen? It is a big Zionist lie? It is so sad to see people so blinded by hatred...

    1. Zionists and Jews are different; actually there are several documented proves you can seacrch connent Hitler &the third Reichwith zionists connection to create Israel.Innoncent Jews were played upon .So the holocaust, it was a big crime against humanity and jews , but not against Zionists (like the Rothcilds').

    2. To Anonymous 9/26/2012 11:44:00 PM

      It was actually the Arabs in Palestine who sought alliance with Hitler, vs. the Jews and British who ruled Palestine till 1947. There are films showing Haj Ami el-Husseini (leader of the Arabs in Palestine till 1937) meeting Hitler during WW2. He fled Palestine around 1938 to help organize the revolt in Iraq against the British, and later in 1941 he joind the German SS units and help organize muslim army units in Bosnia.
      The Arabs in Palestine felt that the British will support a Jewish state, so they sought an alliance with an enemy of the British empire - the Germans.

    3. Yeah I don't know what Egyptian Engineer meant about "Holocaust victim's NUMBER" either. Sounds like he may be a Holocaust denier.

    4. In other words for all :
      Some people believe that God exist & that Mohamed (PBUH) was his last prophet , it is allowed according to your laws & freedom of speech to questione this fact and demonize the followers of his faith (over a billion) ..
      Nevertheless, there are others who believe that a massacre occurred 50 years ago and according to your laws & freedom of speech it is not allowed not to questione its occurrence or even its exaggerated numbers..

      Capish ....

      PS: I didn't say that Holocaust occurred or not ..

    5. To Egyptian Engineer9/27/2012 01:14:00 PM

      Please note 2 things:

      1. As far as I recall there is no law against holocaust denial in the US (part of the freedom of speech issue). So it makes you entire claim pointless.

      2. If I understand correctly your holocaust comparison, your question is - why does the US and Europe care more about the Holocaust compared the Islam religion ? The answer is simple, Europe was engaged in a bloody war 70 years ago against the German Nazi regime where 10s of millions of people died, the Holocaust was part of this battle, and it exemplified vividly the atrocities of the Nazi regime. Countries in Europe that have laws against Holocaust denial are countries like Austria and Germany which want to suppress any rise of a new Nazi movement, where one of its main elements would be to revise the past and "wash away" the sins of the Nazi regime (e.g. Holocaust).

      In short, this comparison between a religion and a horrible historic event is misplaced.

    6. Dear Anonym 9/27/2012 - 4.32 pm:
      The Second World War affected a lot of others living on this planet, talking about the 10 millions, introducing laws in their favor & forgetting the rest!!!

      Missing the point again: I didn't compare religion with historic events ... I was just referring to a Double Standard community where you are allowed to discuss anything however great it is except one historic event... A community that would stay stunned in front of TV watching life guards saving a cat from the top of a tree, while its army is killing children in other parts of the world..

      It is a "Selective" freedom of speech..

    7. Dear Egyptian Engineer9/29/2012 01:50:00 PM,

      There is no law against Holocaust denial in the USA, so you have to give the USA credit for maintaining its principle of freedom of speech. Keep in mind that this incident happened in the USA.

      Other countries (such as Austria and Germany) do have such laws, however, I am not sure those countries would allow puting such ads in the subway.

      Like I wrote earlier, Holocaust denial in Europe is usually expressed by political movements who want to wash away the sins of the Nazi regime which destroyed Europe.

    8. Dear Anonymous 9/30/2012 - 6.02 Pm:
      Can you try and contact ANY of the talk shows in ANY TV station in the ENTIRE US, and give them your FREE thoughts not denying the fact of the Holocaust but just that the numbers are somewhere between 10% & 20% of what have been said...

      Simply, you can't or they will not allow you ....and if you succeed on getting to the public, someone will sue you and they will use allegations imported by a law that you didn't know it existed, and you will pay the price anyway..

      Sir, do you think it is worth loosing our time on this discussion to determine the sweeping power of the Jewish lobby in the States; they don't need to introduce laws like Canada & other parts on Europe.

      I am sorry but it is still a “Double standard freedom of speech”…

      One more thing – about this law in Germany – I swear that in 1997, I was in an assignment in Berlin and I wanted to go inside Berlin Synagogue ( The biggest in Europe ) , trying to convince my German colleague ( An Engineer in mid 40’s) , he was terrified from the idea of just passing infront of it !!! My dear, it is not about the idea of feeling guilty from the life losses in WW2 , it is simply the Jewish might which succeeded on preventing some of the German elite from getting inside a GERMAN monument with an Arab …


    9. Dear Egyptian Engineer 10/01/2012 12:52:00 PM

      You keep comparing the Holocaust to the Islam religion. These are 2 different issues:

      1. Any big religion is mainly a belief, as it includes super-natural events that happened over a 1000 years ago. Can you take people to court because they dont believe in these super-natural events? How can you prove that it realley happened? Its mainly your own personal belief that you really cannot force on others.

      2. The Holocaust was not a super-natural event. Its a historic event that defintely could have happened as part of WW2. Many witnesses and documents still exist. You can defintely try to contest the numbers or other details, but, you can also expect to get civil law suit from the survivors cause they can back it up with documents and personal testimonies.

      If your claim is that the Jews had better Public Relations compared to the Muslims, I disagree. You can see that when the case is weak for the Jews (with the Palestinians today), their Public Relations is very weak. When some Muslims kill people and burn buildings because of some idiotic film that nobody heard of, their Public Relations become very weak as well.

    10. Dear Anonymous 10/2/2012:
      You are saying:"..keep comparing the Holocaust to the Islam religion.." , Did u read my replies?!!

      I said before:"Missing the point again: I didn't compare religion with historic events ." or "It is a "Selective" freedom of speech"...

      According to the vast definition of " Freedom of speech" in the western world :It is somewhere between discussing the fact that God exists to the latest outfit that Kim Kardashian wear in the boat race, no exceptions..

      And please let's not discuss the Jews international public relations...The article was mainly about Mona Tahawy..


  10. Mona likes to be centre of attention . Wether its on her twitter acc or getting arrested in Tahrir Sq

  11. There is no such thing as racism, racism is a power game, its when you are helpless and cannot fend for yourself through brain and strength, basically the laws of the jungle prevail, if the stronger find it easy to overpower the weaker and the weaker persist on remaining weak, then over the years or centuries the stronger will develop a superiority opinion about himself over the years and treat the weaker as inferior, taking liberties without accountability. If however someone comes and try to take what is yours and you show him that you are no fool, he will learn the hard way that he cannot take liberties with you and think carefully before saying or doing anything and that leads to what we call mutuality and respect which is a deterrent as the Soviets did during the cold war thus keeping the peace for decades, At the end of the 19th and start of the 20th centuries, Russia considered the Japanese as a sub race until Japan robustly defeated the Russian fleet and the rest is history as there was never another war between the two. Japan once considered China as inferior,not anymore. Furthermore, Russia has oil right now and lots of it, why does it not get invaded? If you are told you are ignorant and inferior then there is a reason for it, learn from that what you will, but remain economically weak is not an option for anybody in the modern world and war is not the way forward, in fact war is exactly what you should not do. Education, Science, Economics, trade and exports is the way forward because it means high growth and high GDP and that means prosperity and that is where you enrich the young and kick off creativity and prosperity and with it the nations dignity. Are you capable of doing that now that finally you have a democracy? that is the main question.

    1. Agree.

      And also, is Islam a race? Islam is a religion that has believers from many ethnic races, so how come we call propaganda against Islam - racism?

    2. There is an Anonymous contributor who commented
      "is Islam a race? Islam is a religion that has believers from many ethnic races, so how come we call propaganda against Islam - racism?". I suggest you read a few good history books and a light exposure to some philosophical thoughts since the 8th century in the Middle East and Europe up to the 19th century, otherwise you probably wont get it.

  12. So far I have sent two comments is there a particular reason neither has been posted??

  13. good for her they deserve to be defaced and so does pamela lol

  14. The poster she sprayed talked about the Civilized Man (being Israel) and the Uncivilized being Palestinians I think. Something like that. I saw it on TV.

    Bottom line is, in the United States, (if she is a dual citizen?) she should know already you cannot do such things as this, it's vandalism and not permissable at all. Whoever said she should have created her own poster and put it up instead is correct, she did have that recourse . She's out of control and quite wrong for what she did in New York or any of the States. Lucky if Homeland Security doesn't throw her in GITMO, believe me, it could happen in this country now. Free speech now has considerable limits by a new law called :

    David Gespass, president of the National Lawyers Guild, called it an “enormous attack on the U.S. and our heritage” and a “significant step” towards fascism.

  15. This is where people exaggerate and when they do, they lose their credibility if they had any to begin with.
    I'm rather certain she was not sexually assaulted in the Police Station as it's nothing like in Egypt Police barracks. Rather it's carefully monitered and usually for women, there are women guards, especially for pat-downs, etc. Yet Mona is making such a charge? Sounds like a lawsuit coming. Are you sure she's a credible journalist?

    With this type of behavior it really does not sound like she will be for long.

    From Wikipedia today:

    "On 24 November 2011, she tweeted (@monaeltahawy) "beaten arrested in interior ministry" amid renewed protests in Tahrir Square. She was held in custody for 12 hours and accused those who held her of physical and sexual assault.[4] Her left arm and right hand were fractured.[5]

    Eltahawy is a board member of the Progressive Muslim Union of North America.[6]

    On September 25, 2012, Eltahawy was arrested for spray-painting over an American Freedom Defense Initiative ad on the New York City subway system equating Muslim jihadists with savages."

  16. Here is her Wikipedia Link, if you want to read it yourselves:

  17. I can guess, you have been abusive then.

  18. @Hazem your link doesn't work for me.

  19. Whilst I completely disagree with the racist poster and it's content I have to say 2 things. Mona El Tahawy is a foul mouthed attention seeker, that is well known and I have no time for her at all. She is the typical Egyptian nouveau riche classless rich kid with dual citizenship, no moral and a big gaping mouth. She also committed a crime. Graffiti on someone elses property and like it or not it is a crime and it is time that Egyptians learned about law and order.
    The sensible thing would have been to pay for advertising space and put up her alternate version but of course for Mona that would not have been adequate to make her top centre page as she likes to be. Listening to her foul mouthed comments where she curses like a truck driver do nothing to help Egyptand our influence abroad. Others will view Egyptian women as truck drivers drunk on a Saturday night out for a brawl.

  20. There's an odd legal twist to this. In the U.S. you're not allowed to record someone's voice in public without their permission. Mona could sue and win.

  21. @Demeur You have never once on this blog made a correct, intelligent, or illuminating comment. You get everything wrong. Everything.

    You can't record someone's voice over the phone without warning them. Mona was surrounded by big and little cameras and people with cell phones, and was shouting at the top of her her lungs. She had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

    Now go back to your garbage collection rounds.

  22. @Demeur, Would you please collect all the garbage in the neighborhood and dump it in front of Jason's house so he will shut up? I think it's a great idea since you guys are neighbors plus he keeps reminding you to make your garbage collection rounds as he does not deal with garbage himself loool.

  23. The woman spray painted someone elses property which is illegal in this country - period. People in the subway were laughing at her. She made a spectacle of herself and Egypt when she told everyone present she was an Egyptian. She's a very unhinged individual who needs mental help and did nothing to entice one to Egyptians rather unfortunately she belittled them.


  24. BTW, love your blog.

    Thank you. :)



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