
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

#UNGA : Our President speaks in front of the world

And our first democratically elected president addressed the whole world from few hours ago at the 67th UN General Assembly in New York. Here is the speech in video.

Here is also the complete official transcript after the break with remarks

My remarks :

  • The original speech did not include Morsi’s praising to Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” nor the part on how We as Egypt is going to respect those respect our Prophet “PBUH” from country. He also added it to the part concerning the respect to Muslims and Islam faith. Needless to say this part in the beginning made him earn the admiration of many Muslims and Islamists showing him as someone who is proud of his religion.
  • To be honest personally I think the biggest insult to Prophet Mohamed “PBUH” comes from those claiming to be sheikhs just like those three men appeared on three Egyptian TV channels last. Those who watched ONTV , Al Kahara wal Nas and Dream TV2 know what I mean.
  • I do not understand why Morsi had to repeat the word legitimacy was mentioned several time in the part concerning Egypt. Nobody debating the legitimacy of Morsi as elected President. I am afraid this shows as someone who is worried on his chair and legitimacy.
  • Again I felt lost in the speech as he was trying to cover too many points , he covered Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Somalia, Africa, Youth , Egypt , Nukes, Islamophobia and UN systems !! He needs a better speech writer.
  • There is nothing new about Palestine and Syria in his speech. He is against military intervention in Syria already whether internationally or Arabic unlike Prince of Qatar.
  • Of course the MB boys and girls are extremely happy that he did not mention Israel by name. It is not a big deal already.
  • The Egyptian Christians are angry that he mentioned the “Non Muslims in Egypt”to be honest he could have meant all Non Muslims from Christians and Jews in good way. “I will not even dream that he meant Baha’is as well” Still I feel Morsi should have spoken about Egyptian Christians in particular after they were mentioned in Obama’s speech. I wish that he makes them believe that he is a president for all Egyptians not only the Islamists.
  • I do not understand how the president who allegedly speaks as if a representative of Egyptian revolution asks the world to help Sudan when it is still under the control of Omar El Bashir !!? Are you kidding me?? He is a corrupted dictator and war criminal , he is responsible of an agony just like El Assad !!
  • He was trying to tell the world that Egypt is back to restore its role in Arab and African sphere. Unfortunately Egypt will not restore these roles by strong speeches after all these decades , after depending economically on other countries.
  • Where is Bahrain !? At least you should have said “I want stability for Bahraini people away from any regional intervention” but of course you can not say this.
  • The MB boys and girls are flying from happiness that an MB addressed the UN member states forgetting that he is only there because he is the president of Egypt not as MB member. They think that this is the best historical speech ever said in the history of the UN General assembly and that Morsi killed their historical nemesis Nasser who taught the Egyptians that good leader means strong words speeches.


  1. Proof that Morsi is world

  2. Morsi is world leader if he helps improve the economy ,create jobs, unite people, facilitate democracy and freedom, guarantee free speech,
    rehabilitate the security force, improve education and health, improve the infrastructure, protect the dignity of Egypt, lead by example and promote a responsible Egypt. So far its early days and as such he is an unknown quantity as a speech in the UN does not prove anything.

  3. World leader ??? Embarrassing and disgusting.

  4. Good points you made Zee, you covered everything rather well for us, with all salient points.
    In the U.S. many forums, and most of the Republican Romney supporters are still quite pissed off, at the entire Islamic world, and it could heat up very fast IF Romney gets in power.

    Perhaps Nasser was more a world type of leader (not sure about that), how biased he was either......but I do agree that Morsi was a bit over the top with the current Islamaphobia now plaguing the United States. It's going to be scary time. They "feel" (the Romney fans) on the blogs that OBama is a Muslem lover and they are anti-Islamic culture just based alone on Al-Q. The worse of it. Now they say that AlQ is firmly entrenched in African states, countries, and was part of the Libyan (plot) which occurred on
    9-11. They are also convinced that it was not the Film after all, but a conspiracy to set the world on fire, starting with Israel and the U.S. and want a "pre-emptive" strike starting with Iran. A lot to cover in a small post about Morsi's speech,however, I saw the opportunity to update you from this side of the pond.

  5. a Synopsis American style:,0,7800008.story

    "Morsi said his "first issue" would be to press the cause of the Palestinians at a time when peace negotiations with a Palestinian state appear dead in the water. He also called for a regional conference this year on nuclear proliferation in the Mideast, and appeared to scold both Israel and Iran, condemning countries that don't join the international nonproliferation treaty and signatories that don't follow its rules.

    Israel is widely known to have a nuclear arsenal, but it does not acknowledge it. Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and has faced repeated demands from the U.N. Security Council to live up to its obligations."

    I believe by and large the war mongers in the Western world will use this speech against him. Those who are absolutely in fear of Pro Islamic speeches. And of course, mentioning Israel (the 51st State of the U.S.A. ) as our govt and overall people see it to be.

  6. This speech will probably be used against him in the long run, by those who wish to promote Fear of the Islamic promoters as they see (the more ignorant that is) see Islam and Al Q as "one". Sad but true. And "they" see Israel as the 51st State of the U.S.,0,7800008.story

    "Morsi said his "first issue" would be to press the cause of the Palestinians at a time when peace negotiations with a Palestinian state appear dead in the water. He also called for a regional conference this year on nuclear proliferation in the Mideast, and appeared to scold both Israel and Iran, condemning countries that don't join the international nonproliferation treaty and signatories that don't follow its rules.

    Israel is widely known to have a nuclear arsenal, but it does not acknowledge it. Iran is a signatory of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and has faced repeated demands from the U.N. Security Council to live up to its obligations."


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