
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do not Feel sorry For that Racist !!

Today the Supreme council of Press has fired journalist Gamal Abdel Rahim from his position as he editor in chief of Al Gomhouria newspaper. He was fired because today the Front Page’s headline on Wednesday was as as follows :

The citadels of corruption fall
Banning Anan and Tantawy from Travel within hours
Accusing Gamal Mubarak , Ibrahim Kamel and Farouk El Okda of selling Egypt’s debts … and 650 celebs in front of the illicit gains authority
Later on Wednesday MENA , the official state agency published the following : An informed source denies the news about imposing a travel ban on Sami Anan and Mohamed Hussein Tantawy.
By afternoon the Supreme council of Press fired Abdel Rahim from his position after just two months after his appointment in that position.

Al Gomhouria is the third largest state owned newspaper and it has been known for its huge hypocrite support to the regime especially in time of Mubarak. The Supreme council of press follows the Shura council.
Despite the principle itself is dangerous as it shows how the State interferes in the official press , I can not say that I feel sorry for Gamal Abdel Rahim or that he will be the new champion of freedom of speech in Egypt.
Abdel Rahim is the last person that can be hailed as the defender of freedom of speech in Egypt , he is racist bigot known in the journalists syndicate for being an informant to the State security in time of Mubarak . Do I have to remind you with his crusades against Baha’is in Egypt !?
So please spare me from these cheap calls of solidarity.
Now Abdel Rahim is trying to be the newest martyr of Freedom of expression despite just few months ago he was kissing SCAF commanders’ asses and before them Mubarak’s ass. He is kissing the Islamists’ ass.
Needless to say this incident shows you that the army is still keeping its position in Egypt and that the army is serious about the safe exist of its SCAF commanders’ deal. According to some sources , the army felt offended from the title as it made it look like a citadel of corruption.
Some officers who tweet online express their anger from that headline despite they do not like Tantawy or Anan and do not ask what the big deal is but I think it has to do with their military mindset and nature.
Loudmouth MB leading member and acting FJP president Essam Al Arian elaborated more than enough about this matter in a way that made it much worse. Al Arian claimed on TV tonight in his usual round in the talk shows “does not he get bored !? “ that the army was offended and that any insult or attack to The order of the Nile receiver is an insult to Egypt and its dignity !?
Tantawy and Anan have received Order of the Nile despite the anger and refusal of many revolutionary forces.
So those who got The order of the Nile should not be offended or insulted !?? hmm well Mohamed ElBaradei got the Nile Order as well the Nobel Prize and he is being insulted day and night in the MB media by its members , followers and supporters !!?
Also interestingly everybody focused on the two military men and forgot how Abdel Rahim claimed that the current CBE governor Farouk El Okda is accused of selling Egypt’s debts in this way. El Okda was nominated by the MB to become a PM before Qandil.
Now there is a question I think those who knows the system of state owned newspapers will understand it : How could this issue reach to the newsstand without the revision of the National security/army supervisor who checks all the newspapers printed in state owned printing houses to make sure of all the news related to the army and national security as well the GIS !??
P.S Al Gomhouria apologized for its mistake in the Thursday's issue. 


  1. Gamal Abdel Rahim has a severe condition of BAD BREATH caused by kissing so many asses!

  2. I just want an answer for one question. How he was selected to his position? Does the Shura council members who choose him never read any newspapers?

  3. I just want an answer for one question. How he was selected to his position? Does the Shura council members who choose him never read any newspapers?


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