
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Morsi’s letter to Peres is not Fake Dear MB

MB members and supporters are spreading lies that the amicable friendly letter President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt has sent to President Shimon Peres of Israel presented by the new Egyptian ambassador in Tel Aviv Atef Salem is fake.
It is not fake , here is the photo of the letter in Arabic shared by The Times of Israel’s journalist Raphael Ahron on twitter
The letter 
This is not fake. They say that the history is old ,well I think this letter was ready for whoever is the president.
I must share it on my blog.
I am not in the mood to discuss whether Morsi should call Peres a good and great friend  but it seems to me that the MB should stop lying to themselves before the public because they look so bad now , how can anyone trust them !?


  1. This letter has a date of July 2010. I hope it is not real. There is no reason for Morsi to address Peres as his friend. He is not Anwar Elsadat, who was their friend, or at least he diluted himself into believing this farce.

    If, on the other hand, this letter is real, then the Brotherhood President was using the old Brotherhood tactics. Words are cheap. Don't believe them.

    I am also surprised at the style of writing. Does an official letter has to be written this way? Was this letter written on a computer? I don't find this kind of writing on official letters, appropriate or necessary.


    1. @ElHawari it is 2012 not 2010 , enlarge it again , also look to the official eagle stamps , this is not fake

    2. Sorry. I meant 2012. In 2010, Mursi was still dreaming.

      I think, however, that any letter, and any stamp, could be faked nowadays. The format of this letter, and the wordings in it, are all disgusting. Mursi, and his foreign minster, can't be that stupid to sign on these words.


  2. I believe the greeting is a set greeting always used in that type of correspondence and without any special meaning. What is far more interesting is that this is the first time that President Morsy actually uses the word "Israel". He has never done so in his many speeches.

    1. I think it is only a form, Regarding Morsi well he sends an ambassador already there so it is not a big deal to use the word Israel

    2. No. I don't believe that any letter, including highly diplomatic ones, should be written in this manner. Peres is not a dear friend of Mursi, nor Israel is any way a friend of Egypt. Or it should ever be. This is a fundamental issue with the majority of Egyptians, not only those with beards and galabias.

      Imagine if these words were written by any president of the USA to the presidents of Cuba or North Korea, or even Venezuela. These countries didn't even steal American land, or displace and slaughter thousands of Americans.


  3. Is this an issue?
    If you print or show it that doesn't mean it is truly sent by Morsi. If it was, we can't prove he lied. If he did well WTF. It shows politics is a stupid bloody mess. In terms of what it conveys, real or not, what do you want from the president? Personally I would support him having the most cordial relations possible. Followed by clearly stated positions vis a vis palestinaian rights. Thats far better than rejectionism. Israel has counted on Arab countires not talking to Israel allowing it a smokescreen to screw the palestinians and steal their land. It is a sound policy to treat them with respect and give a chance. Whilst at the same time pursuing positions and policies to provide succour and support to palestinians and also to regain our own national rights vis a vis sinai. Your bias is again clouding your judgement.

    1. The letter is authentic. As Consul General of Israel in Alexandria (1991-1995) I was given a similar letter in the same beautiful calligraphy and signed by President Mubarak.
      The new Egyptian Ambassador who presented the letter to President Peres was most courteous and maintained the highest tradition of diplomatic good manners. I have no doubt that he will do his best to ensure good neighbourly relations between our two countries.

      David Zohar

    2. all that means is whoever was privy this type of letter within the bureacracy could have easily forged it as could have the israelis...or it could be point above is who gives a fuck!

    3. Some of the comments above betray a lack of understanding about the practice of diplomacy. The fact that leaders can be polite to one another while agreeing to disagree on policies is what keeps the peace across most of the world.
      Or would some of the commentators prefer crude open verbal warfare which invariably gets out of control?
      I thought Egyptians had several thousand years of civilization behind them, If so - they should be careful to maintain a good reputation.

      Ma'a as-salaamah

  4. Whether this letter is real or fake, they will come out defending. He goes right, or left, they will defend. He kisses israel's asses at night, or attack them in the morning, they will say, yes sir, go on; we are all your's.

    And they use the most outdated and stupid arguments they can master. Send a Valentine love letter, and those thugs will stop the displacement and the slaughter. Sadat and Mubarak hugged and kissed for 40 years, and nothing improved. The opposite was always true. May be if the new president sleeps with them, they will be a little softer. If this is what the Muslim Brothers and their president want to do, they should come out in the open, for once, and tell us about it.


  5. Sorry people but this is just sad. When the people have suspicions and paranoia about a simple letter that restates support for past treaties you have a long way to heal as a nation.

    1. completely agree : ( the past 2 years have really shown how far backwards Egyptians (and even the supposed educated intelligent ones) have gone
      I feel nothing but sympathy for Morsi with so many dumbasses daily condemning every step he makes.
      No matter what he does the internet Einsteins will rip him apart.

      Very very sad because I used to think Egyptians were smarter than this : (

  6. It is a fake issue when compared with the deprivation and current poverty of millions. Or Syria.

    Obviously the average MB wants Morsi to break off relations maybe even attack Israel. Thats not very realistic is it? Why aren't they more realistic about their country and its important(economic)problems? Its lack of development.

    Thats the question. Poorly informed. Its widespread not just in Arab countries.

  7. Thanks for posting the letter. MB can not have it both ways,an international voice and a domestic voice.
    Where is the Transparency and the Truth!!!

  8. that not real ....many things show it's fake..where's the colored seal of Egypt??
    then this is not the way even during Mubarak time ..
    stop share lies please...must be sure..


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