
Friday, June 14, 2013

Declaring #Jihad in #Syria From #Cairo In less than 24 hours From White House’s decision

Yesterday the White House announced that after two years the U.S is going to arm the Syrian rebels after its conclusion that Bashar El Assad used chemical weapons.
Now the White House did not mention which Syrian rebel groups the West was going to arm exactly but I do not think that they were speaking about the Pro Al Qaeda radical groups roaming Syria and giving its people hard time.
Anyhow today as part of an event announced by the Muslim brotherhood we found Saudi Sheikh Mohamed El Arefe announcing that he and other clerics that agreed to open the door of Jihad in front of youth. Muslim youth should go and fight in Syria according to Sheikh El Arefe and other Sheikhs sitting in air conditioned rooms !!! It seems that the Sheikhs waiting the American decision after all !!
Of course the Jihadists from all around the world are not waiting this announcement because they are already there.
El Arefe declared this during the Friday Speech from Egypt’s oldest mosque Amr Ibn El As in front of thousands of Muslim brotherhood supporters who chanting Pro-Syria chants and so on. His Friday speech was aired on the Egyptian National TV’s Ch.1 by the way.
Now I wonder if the Freedom and Justice Party and President Morsi support what Sheikh El Arefe called from in Cairo considering the fact the party is organizing this 3 days event and sponsoring it.
Already tomorrow President Morsi will attend that big protest in Cairo stadium in solidarity with Syria. So we have to ask the President and his president directly : Do they support sending Egyptian youth to fight in Syria for Jihad ??
Does the Freedom and Justice Party support the sectarian talk of Sheikh El Arefe and others clerics from Islamic groups from their political allies and how they attack the Shiites and Iranians ??
Does the Freedom and Justice Party support the talk of Sheikh El Arefe who declared with all the confidence in the world that the Islamic Caliphate system will return back ??
This is so much like Afghanistan.                           


  1. this is like a FOX news type narrative.
    number 1 the fatwa about jihad was made yesterday from the group.
    number 2 sheikh Yusif Qaradawy made the fatwa 2 weeks ago.
    number 3 the US decision came after the fatwas.
    number 4 what on earth does this mean "Muslim youth should go and fight in Syria according to Sheikh El Arefe and other Sheikhs sitting in air conditioned rooms !!! It seems that the Sheikhs waiting the American decision after all" how do you know sheikhs and scholars are not going Syria on the regular? LOGICALLY if you are in a very hot country and if you have the ability to afford AC why on earth wouldn't you sit in an air conditioned room!?.
    number 5 Jihad is one of the most important parts of your religion that you affirm more than 10 times a day. so stop talking about it from a typical FOX news perspective. Whoever wants to go and fight against oppression and help his/her brothers and sisters who are getting murdered and raped day in day out instead of attending protests and putting the #syria hashtag in their bio they have every right to.

    so stop your mockery and pleasing your 'like minded' friends and face the truth and support it. I would love to see the reaction of a family in Syria after reading this blog

    1. How does it feel to be a Fox News fangirl, Zeinobia? Next they'll be calling you a neocon, if not an actual zionist.

  2. There is this blog post I have trying to put on Syria but I still can't have the ideas materialize. Its about how my position turned from a naive support to the FSA to a more neutral position only sympathetic with the suffering of the syrians. May be I can try to seed it here.

    Isn't it now muslims killing other muslims? Is this the real Jihad? Afghanistan 1978 Deja vu? I wonder who will be Bin Laden emerging after the end of the crisis in Syria. So know the ultimate Jihad is fighting the great devil, the persians and the shiite muslims? What kind of people who believe this crap? What do you expect of them when they return back to their countries, tolerance?

    Who supplies weapons to both parties in the war? Who uses these weapons and who dies? What kind of return on the development and progress would we reap out of that?

    There have been numerous opportunities to declare Jihad against the right people at the right place but it sorts of get mirrored.

    I know this may sound like an over dramatization but I see that Islam has finally been hijacked completely. ALL scholars have lost credibility specially with these goons attending that conference at Nasr city.

    1. There have been numerous opportunities to declare Jihad against the right people at the right place

      There are no "right people" and there is no "right place" for Jihad, if that means actually fighting against others. Noone has the right to use force or violence in order to make the God that he/she believes in, the God of everybody else!

      But on the other hand: I do not believe in any religion - so what do I know...

  3. Zeinobia: these shioukh are all despicable because when they declare their jihad it is innocent people that will die! These despicable shioukh will go no where and will still get paid by the despicable wahhabis and innocent young and foolish Egyptians will die for no reason

  4. when you see children massacred and women get raped and u say such words you dont have 1% mercy or faith , how on earth would you be againstthe fatwa and how on earth would you have doubt that if israel wants to remove bashar it would have in 5 mins !!

  5. You wrote

    >when you see children massacred and women get raped and u say such words you dont have 1% mercy

    Let me see Egyptian women are being raped and are subjected to taharush gensi and many young people in Egypt have been killed by the fascist Amn al-Dawla and the army who also massacred many innocent Egyptians as in the case of the atrocity against the Copts at Maspero right? How come you did not mention that?

    You see charity starts at home!

    >or faith ,

    What faith? A faith that says that there is place for jihad or holy war? If so I wish to have nothing to do with this faith now do you get it?

    But wait: If there is really a god why would he allow such atrocities to take place and then he tells us to go out and fight instead of him guiding us mere human beings to peace! all religions are silly and evil Islam and Christianity included

    You know the real disaster in Egypt is not realizing that it is this fake faith that tells people to fight instead of talking to solve their problems

    > how on earth would you be againstthe fatwa

    Let me see would these despicable shiokh that invite violence by issuing these evil fatwas go and fight and join their bogus jihad or would they sit on their read ends and continue to be paid by the despicable wahhabis you tell me

    > and how on earth would you have doubt that if israel wants to remove bashar it would have in 5 mins !!

    Oh the Jews again! Stop blaming the Jews and address the blame where it belongs and that is those evil shiokh that issue evil fatwas and the end result is young and foolish Egyptians die in foreign lands and they, the shiokh, continue to live and be paid by the despicable wahhabis now do you get it

    The real question is why most of el-Shiokh are really fat? Any guesses?


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