
Friday, June 14, 2013

#Morsi Degage One week Before His first anniversary in the Office

This video was filmed earlier today after Friday prayer in New Cairo where President Mohamed Morsi was praying. 

Morsi, angry people and the lady asking for help

This video shows his departure while people , angry people screaming “Leave, leave” or like the Tunisians say it “degage” in French. You can see a woman trying to approach and to speak to the President but the presidential guards and president’s security stopped her just like in the days of Mubarak.

I wonder what the president’s men from the Muslim brotherhood will tell regarding this no so warming departure and reception of the public !!

After one week Morsi will celebrate his 1st anniversary in office and people are telling him to leave outside the mosque !! 


  1. Geez, they don't seem to be very pleased with him now.

  2. Zeinobia you wrote

    >I wonder what the president’s men from the Muslim brotherhood will tell regarding this no so warming departure and reception of the public !!

    Zeinobia: Are you serious? you want ikhwangiyya to tell the truth?

    As for Morsi: Irhal...Irhal and for those readers that are not familiar with this word it really means GET LOST

  3. They will dismiss them as “infidels” and they will not bother to ask or want to know why the people are angry.

  4. oh yes, the guards prevented the woman (who knocked his car windows multiple time) from meeting him. Just like mubarak..

    Could you please remind me when was the last time mubrark's car was touched by one `protester`?

    Ah! The last time was abo-elarabi from port-said, when he was shot and duty-free zone was closed directly after his move!

    1. You wrote

      >Could you please remind me when was the last time mubrark's car was touched by one `protester`?

      What is your point? That Morsi is a man who believes in democracy and have great respect for free speech? Let me help you Morsi is an embarrassment to Egypt and to Egyptians and he is neither a democrat or a man who has any regard for free speech after all he is working on akhwanat el-i3lam but he does not realize that Egyptians are not watching state owned media anymore, thanks to the internet

      >Ah! The last time was abo-elarabi from port-said, when he was shot and duty-free zone was closed directly after his move!

      i can assure you if it is up to Morsi he would also have liked to see that woman being shot (remember el-itihadiyya?) but he knows very well that the whole world is watching thanks to the internet and I hope that he did learn his lesson in the attack on the Coptic cathedral that the world is watching and that if this would have happened before the existence of social media as in the time of Mobarak he, Mobarak would have been able to get away with it

      I say to Morsi if he is really a real man then Irhal and good riddance


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