Thursday, July 26, 2012

#Ramadan Arabian Nights #2012 : Hagar, Sahar and Egrama-6

Tonight is the 408 of our Radio Arabian nights but first you can refresh your memory with last night’s episodes.

Scheherazade and Shahryar

Scheherazade and Shahryar

Second here is our 6th night in our tale “Hagar , Sahar and Egrama”.

Now Hagar and Sahar , the young lovers seem to face the traditions of old tribes from denouncement and so on especially after what Egrama , Hagar’s rival told Sheikh Wael Ibn Kanaan that Hagar is flirting with Sahar which means a scandal for him and the tribe.

At the same Hagar and his father were in their way to Ibn Kanaan in order to ask his daughter’s hand in marriage but they found him storming their house telling them that after what Hagar did to his daughter , either they leave the tribe or he will leave. The furious man did not listen to what they had said insisting that Hagar has scandalized him and his daughter.

Ibn Hagar refused to leave the tribe , the water and land suggesting instead to ask the judgment of the tribe’s high priest.  

High priest Fariouz tells them in a dramatic voice that the second prophecy of Sahar’s birth has been fulfilled : She made the tribe spilt but sooner she will unite them.

Now the priest says his judgment : Wael Ibn Kanaan to leave the tribe.

Ibn Kanaan and his people headed in a caravan for the unknown searching for some oasis to camp but sooner they found some riders coming the way. The riders turn to be the knights of King Kaood who want water. One of them expresses his admiration with Sahar.

The name of King Kaood made Wael and Sahar uncomfortable to the level that he gathered all the men in the caravan to see what they can do. During their meeting , something happened , someone showed up.

Tomorrow we will know what happens.

1 comment:

  1. أجمل الثورات هي ثورة النفس على غيابها و ظلمتها. و أعظم ما حصل في الثورات العربية أنها حصدت للشعوب العربية غياب الغياب و شروق الصحوة و موت الظلمة.
    تتشرّف مدونة "ديجا فو" بالتعاون مع شبكة "ضاد" الإعلامية أن تطلق هذه الحملة بمناسبة شهر رمضان الكريم.
    تابعوا ما ننشره بشكل يومي في رمضان، و يسعدنا مشاركتكم في الحملة بين الكثيرين ممن ننشر لهم جُمَلهُم الإيمانية .. كل عام و أنتم بألف خير.
    للمزيد من التفاصيل:


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