Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Less than 3 weeks people on the elections!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we are the 9th in August and the presidential elections is either on the 6th or 7th of Septmeber ,that is less than a month is available for the Egyptians to choose among the 10 canadidates the election committee said they are qualified "for God Sake ,how come a man like Ahmed El-Sabhi is qualified to be the Egyptian president!!!!!!!!! anyway just in a period less than a month ,they have to get the approval of the members of the assembly and run their campagins to win the votes of the Egyptian people
And what is this number ? 10 candidates ,isn't that too much for Egypt?
I am thinking of not having a voting id ,I feel it is useless
The major winners as it is writtent in one of the newspapers will be Mubarak ,Nour and Gomaa!!!!!


  1. party candidates don't need to collect approvals.

  2. still the period is too short


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