Monday, September 5, 2005

What is happening in France ?

Is the season for hunting down the emigrants with African roots began already or what? Is a new Nazi starting to take shape in France once by drawing crosses on Jewish cemeteries and burning immigrant's buildings
today the French Police said that they arrested couple of French teenagers who caused the fire as they were playing with matches and empty mail boxes and it turned out they didn't know what they were doing for fun will cause the death of 15 person !!!!!!
I don't why I feel that the French police took some courses in Egypt in how fooling the people with falsifying reality to calm down the society
it is clear as sun that someone is targeting the poor African immigrants
It is the third building in Paris, 10 days is the time between the second and third fire
it is not a consirpcy theory , more it is logic
I think I am right yet I hope I will be wrong
there will be a fourth fire
There is LePan in France ,so why there are more of his kind and even worse ?

1 comment:

  1. Anytime that people anywhere feel threatened, they begin to try to find some reason for it. If they cannot find a logical reason for their feelings, then they will often invent one, or have one presented to them by cynical politicians who wish to flame hatreds in order to achieve power.

    The present French xenophobia and anti-Semitism is saddening, but no surprise. As the French confront a long-term downward spiral for France, they will increasingly look for somebody to blame for it, and immigrants are almost always a handy target.


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