Saturday, January 21, 2006

I noticed this

Look to this website ,it is a Kuwaiti ,one of the most famous Arabic songs downloading websites in the Arab World
It is closed because of the death Kuwait prince and ruler prince Jabar "May Allah bless his soul"
It is more than three days it has been closed
I wanted to mention it here to show something we don't have in the Egypt internet community except on few scale
Any disaster happens in Egypt ,there is nothing about in Egyptian entertainment sites like , as if it is not in Egypt
I noticed this when I visited a Jordanian songs site that turned in to black after the blasts in Akaba, I visited Mazika after the Taba blasts and there was nothing at all ,same thing in Mazikaty !!
As an Egyptian internet community we must show some respect towards what is happening in our country at least we learn from our Arab brothers


  1. That's what I am trying to say daydreamer ,thanks for your comment

  2. Zeinobia,

    You have a point .... but hear me on this ...

    Many times I find myself thinking that with our situation-problems in Egypt, how do we manage even to smile?

    When I was in vacation in Egypt and dad took me to pray "Taraweeh" in Ramadan with him and the Sheikh start to make Doaa to save us from "enemies" I cried so loudly in the mosque. I explained to dad in our way home that after living in the USA I knew how weak we are and how much we are behind technology-wise in Egypt.

    At that day I thought that we in Egypt do not really deserve to laugh ... but .... now I realize that life goes on and people need to laugh and love and get married and build and invent and progress and compete and win and ....

    no matter how sad our environment is, we have to keep going and smile and live.

    This is acutally part of the genious of the Egyptian people. We have been through many sad situations in our long long long history but still we can always smile and make jokes about ourselves, our presidents/kings, our problems.

    So do not be hard on them. Life needs to go on, no matter what. As we say rightly in Egypt "Alhai-aba-mn-elmayat."


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