Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Long Live the Crescent and Cross 1

On Sunday I watched Magdy Mahna's show on Dream tv2, the guest was Mr. Youssef Dervish, the famous ex-Jew lawyer and he talked a lot about Egypt in the old days, when Egypt was kingdom, When Egypt was the most advanced nation in the East, When the Egyptian Society was the real example of what tolerance should be, the three religions forming the three stars, all under the white Crescent symbolizing the Islamic identity of this nation with the green background, this cheerful color. I look to the old man's face which doesn't tell you his real age, and I see that this what current Egyptians should be from devotion and respect to their country, I see him as a great past to this country and I feel sad for frustrating present and fearful future

Yesterday they caught another lunatic trying to attack Christian prayers in a Church in the Zatoon area in old Cairo who turned out to be a thief trying to steal the Church , also there is still on going tension in Alexandria and now more than ever I believe the words of its governor Mr.Abd El-Salam Mahgoub who said that he believes that there are some external hands behind the tension in Alexandria, in fact he is right come on don't look to the Mohram Bak or Sidi Bashr incidents, but look to the long history of tolerance in Alex. , it is one of the oldest cities in Egypt and the middle East that is proud of its different races and religions composition , since its Alexander the great came and decided to build this city in this piece of land.

If tension between the Muslims and Christians happens in Upper Egypt just like the Koshah clashes from two years or more, I would say both parties are tough southerns with narrow mind no tolerance, already I do believe till now with all respect to all parties there that the Koshah clashes are not caused because of some religious intolerance but more of the famous Egyptian southern mind that caused the whole Middle East to have the six days defeat "Nasser and Amar" and suffer until now.

Yes The Egyptian Christians suffer but they are not alone, the whole population suffer too from many diseases thanks to the continuous regimes unjust dictator policies, it is not about the Islam, if anyone opens his or her mouth and comes and tells me that the Egyptian Christians and all other un-Arab races are suffering since 1400 years ago referring to the Islam, well I am ready for a debate in history, get your books and I will get mine.

What the Christians in Egypt are suffering are handmade not God in Islam hand made heaven's forbid, hand made by the different governments and regimes in different eras and time and here some of my thoughts about the whole situation again

  1. No one in Egypt can deny the British attempts to use the famous policies of Divide conquer in the valley of Nile , using the same excuses of the United States now "history repeating " to protect Minorities yet I am afraid the Old Copts were much wiser than some of their descendent nowadays who believe the American claims , after all that minority of Coptic people don't release that the American administration nowadays play the Game of what really the Majority wants no what the Minority wants , they learned their lesson very well in Iran and they applied it in Iraq in an excellent way fulfilling a very old Shiia dream to rule Iraq and they are trying to do the same now in Syria ,just last month a convention was held in The States composed from Mr. choosing his nation over the regime Khadam and Sunni Opposition on its head the Syrian branch of Muslim brotherhood, they play with the minorities card as pressure card over the Egyptian regime ,one time the Christians, another time the Shiia yet when time comes not all the cards are held by the hands of the U.S as most of the cards ,the wining cards are in the hands of the majority ask the Iranians , why do you think that the Iranian regime is so bold in front of the whole world ? The Majority of its people regardless of missing days without a compulsory veil are happy to be one of the few nations not obeying the orders of the United States.
  2. Another thing I discovered that the support of the United States to the claims of the Coptic front abroad headed by Mr.Abdir is helping by its role to exceed the tension between Muslims and Christians , I hear from people the talk of " Now the Christians got a voice because The Americans support them ,they will send the country to hell ,they …etc" No need to publish the rest of the words because you might think there is real hate between Muslims and Christians in the valley of the Nile ,no it is not ,but there is a real hate between Egyptians and United States of America because of its policies since very long time , it is accumulated hate from decades ,and so some Egyptians see any interfere in Egypt's internal policies by the United States for the favor from any group what so ever is a treason by this group ,I am sorry to say this word but that's what I hear and it is not a lie . In fact some times I feel that the Americans are using the same old technique of British in the 4th of February crisis in the 40s in Egypt, supporting a certain group to create some kind of hate, division and distrust between the people. The American administration knows how the people feels towards it and using it to fulfill it purposes in the same way it created Osama Bin Laden as Guevara of the Islamic World, I am not speaking about the educated elite in the Society but I am talking about the rest of the people of Egypt
  3. Another important fact that also no one can deny the attacks on the Christians in the 80s and 90s from the radical terrorist groups "A .k. A Islamic groups, yet they are far away from the Islam that is used as a cover for their purposes". It is not about Islam, Islam as I said before is innocent from all this hate and destruction, it is a government hand made, look to the history of the terrorist groups you will find that most if not all are government manufacture by a way or another and the examples are many starting from Mustafa Shokry in the 70s, torture in the legendary Egyptian prisons that are now internationally famous after the C.I.A scandals made him hate the Society altogether. And of course no one can forget the "Zawoya El-Hamra" incidents in the 70s, the best example of the regime dirty games.
  4. The talk of these groups will lead us to the talk of Islam, the reality and myth, of course there is some blame on Muslims in Egypt, and here I am talking about neglecting and ignoring the real Islam. I met not many but quiet a number of people "Muslims" who don't like the Christians , call them infidels despite that thy are among the "People with holy books " got a special treatment in Islam along with the Jews , those infidels are the unbelievers who don't believe in God at all , I am afraid that this misconception is a gulf product from the Wahbi effect , I saw it in many of those who live in the Gulf area and I am afraid that it transferred across the Atlantic Ocean to arrive in the United States , unfortunately many Muslim Americans from non Arabic origins believe in the same way , I read it and I saw it with my own eyes. These Aliens ideas are spread because of the absence of the real Islamic clerics and scholars, they are here but people don't believe them simply because they turned in to puppets in the hand of the regime "I am sorry to use this word but this is a fact ".
  5. I never met a Muslim who treated Christians bad and was good with other Muslims or was a good person at all, this is a personal experience, I am a Muslim and I don't lie, those people are bad people on all scales.
  6. The Mad man raid on Churches last Friday is a government hand made again and again, they made it not because they are radical Wahbi regime like Mr. Abider like to call it, but because they wanted to direct the attention of the Egyptian public towards another things other than: The ferry El-Salam investigation report and the judges' crisis.

At the end I believe that we won't solve our problems what ever it is from Minorities rights to corruption to endless list of problems until we change the system, the whole regime, this regime already doesn't respect or even admit by the rights of the majority to listen for the minority rights

P.S:"I am sorry I am not rude with elder people but this guy Mr.Adly Abider needs some one to give him his medication to stop him from saying his imaginary historical conspiracy theories happened in the 50s in the first Islamic convention in Mecca that decided to get rid from all Christians in all Islamic countries!!!"

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