Thursday, June 8, 2006

Do you still depend on the United States of America ?

I don't know why many people still count on the United States of America that it is going to save from the claws of the evil regime ruling us in Egypt?

I said it here hundred times and no one listened, it is a losing horse not a winning one , no one learns from history and History is repeating itself over and over .

There is no single time that the West helped the East to take its freedom or independence except to serve its purposes only , and the United States is the head of the West world right now . Don't be fool with the Hollywood propaganda of the Leader of the free world , for God sake ,the Leader of the Free World spies on its own citizens , sends its youth to die in a strange countries for the wealth of its companies and got outside prisons in dictator countries !!

To speak about our issue ,the Egyptian issue , here I would like to remind you again and again with something I said over and over , it is not from the benefits of the Oval office in the white house that supports to Israel {all of the time it does} to have a democratic regime in Egypt . Simple democratic rules say that the regime must reflect the views of its own people .

So look to the views of the Egyptian people regarding some of the United States policies in the World

  1. They don't want the aid , as we don't need in a matter of fact , most of it is transfered to Switzerland Banks accounts , while the Military part of it ,no ones knows anything about it , already there is on going concern about the decline ability of the Egyptian Army .
  2. They support Hamas and Hazb Allah
  3. They hate Israel
  4. They don't agree on the Human rights perspective of the United States concerning the rights of Baha'is and Homosexuals "already the American Embassy decided to make a website for them in Egypt !!"
  5. We don't like to be ordered

This is just to put it in simple words , but it is deeper than you think ,already "despite I hate to compare" but most Egyptians would like to see Egypt as Egypt of 1960s when it was leading the Third world and the Arab World , the powerful Egypt that stood against the Imperialism , despite all the cons of Nasser era which we are suffering now yet we didn't have this humiliated feeling of being enslaved .

Already I predicted that from several weeks ago, when GM visited the White House secretly , that there must be some kind of a devil's deal between the two parties , and voila the result was in the Congress the week after when Bush Administration defended the decision not to decrease the aid saying that it is from the American National security benefit that Egypt would be provided with the aid !! And after that many horrified truth began to surface , Egypt Skies were open and still are open for the American Air forces to hit follow Arabia countries ....etc .Already after the visit of GM , the price Egypt had to pay began to be known , more pressure on Hamas , the first elected government in Palestine ..etc , also there was strange talk about strange economic projects.

The United States Administration needs this regime to serve its purposes in the middle East , where they can find a better Jenny in the bottle to fulfil their wishes !! Yes they are smart enough in D.C that the people anger's in the valley of the Nile is uprising more and more similar to Iran before the revolution and Yes they must found some hidden names to be presented as substitute for the regime , but the change won't come on American wings ,it will be refused , for two reasons we are a pride people who got a very famous dignity , second the real change will only come by and from the people themselves.Democracy is not imported or given as a gift from another countries ,it is well of the people makes democracy implemented

It is the well of people that will overthrow mighty dictators not the well of the oval office

Technorati : , , , , , , , , , , , : , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. This time, I totally agree with you.

    But most of the people banking on the US have particular interest to achieve.

    I also hate the stereotyped agendas that some people follow and then they expect US help cause they are allegdly "activists"

  2. Those "activist" don't understand that counting on the US also harm them in public
    people usually don't trust those who depend on the United States

  3. @Zenobia. Consult my blog and find numerous posts on the same issue. In fact I dedicated my research at the University of Chicago on the Egyptian-American rapport and how dependent we are on the US.

    Please visit my blog!


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