Thursday, December 21, 2006

Because you don't like our president

To the Egyptian people

And you are complaining ,screaming and bitching about our President , at least he didn't call the days and the month after his name and his family , at least he doesn't have golden statues every where , at least he didn't write some book which became as scared as the holy books and you may not get your driving licenses if you failed in that book test

Really Egypt conditions ' are far more better than poor Turkmenistan

Today the President of Turkmenistan  Saparmurat Niyazov "oh man I had copy and paste his name "after 20 years of rule of the ex-soviet country of Turkmenistan that is so reach in resources specially Gas died suddenly from a sudden heart attack in the morning causing a shock to the country despite the reports about his bad health ,already he is a diabetic

The man is a very unique dictator , an old fashion if I would say ,you know the kind who worships himself and makes kissing his ass is a religious order in what the west calls as I knew today cult of personality ,strange in Wikipedia that the most famous three figures were only Kim Ill -Sung and his of N.Korea and our deceased friend here ,well they forgot another one Saddam Hussein

The guy was self obsessed by himself , golden statues for himself everywhere ,I  mean look to the amount of Gold in that statue in the photo , also he didn't something no one did except few ,he changed the names of the days and months to hold his name and his family !!!!!

Also he wrote some book ,called Ruhonama , The Book of spirit , which he made as scared as the Holy Quran May Allah forgive me , yes the book is put beside the Holy Quran in the mosques , they put lines of the Ruhonama beside the verses of the Holy Quran , the man was insane for sure

You want a proof that Mubarak is nothing compared to him , check the presidential decrees he issued in Wikipedia

Of course the money from the gas industry in his country goes to him and his family ,you know I don't understand why he didn't make his son as a vice president may be because he didn't expect death already he was 66 years old and he was considered a life time president


check the news from


Der Spiegel English service with coverage about the Europe's concern about the Gas and of course don't miss the photo gallery there

International Herald Tribune

And of course the fantastic BBC World coverage

The man dies "to the hell I am sorry to say so "

The Obituary : Iron man

What is going to happen in the future after his death Questions without definite certain answers

The Niyazov's cult must must see this photogallery

The real poor country in an exclusive BBC report




  1. Elly yeshof balawy el nas...tehon 3aleeh balweto.

    w 3agaby!

  2. Seems that Hosni still has much to learn.

  3. @yellow Egyptian , you know I kept a whole hour to remember this proverb thanks and you are ,we are in Paradise

    @Tarek,what he will learn ?? death comes as the end , or be the Joke of the nations

  4. Well...yeah it is good every now and then to make ourselves feel that things could've been worse...el7amdoleAllah for what we have. Things could've definitely been worse in Egypt. But in order to progress we'd have to compare ourselves to the better...but hmm...defining what the better we'd want to be is and how we'd get there is the real question.



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