Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1/2 word about Palestine

This is a complete tragedy what is happening in Palestine , a civil war ghost is around the small populated cities as if they don't already problems of terrible economic situation , terrible political situation and more over a wall that would make their lives more and more miserable

The old conflict of authority and rule ,the curse of the Arabs,the dream of the chair

It is ironic because till now there is no real Palestinian state ,it is only a semi state , we always hear about the declaration of the Palestinian state officially from time to time since the last century , since Yasser Arafat and we are always dreaming in the Arab world with the Official State of Palestine ,till now it is called the Palestinian Territories , so I don't know why there is that greed on who will rule , for God Sake ,I feel pity who for the one who would in responsibility whether a president or prime minister with all the political and economic liabilities on him

Hamas won the elections democratically , the majority of the Palestinian people chose it , but of course the United States ,No.1 democracy defender in the world,didn't like it just like Israel and for their luck many of the corrupted Fatah members didn't want to excluded from the cabinet

what happens in Palestine is terrible by all measures , already every time there is a spark of hope that things will be better whether better economic situation or better Peace opportunity , someone comes spoils it whether Israel or America or Fatah members like Dahlan

Already Egypt warned about Mr. Dahlan and I understand why

Mr. Mohammed Dahlan is  the member of Fatah and one of the ex-heads of the security in the previous cabinets ,he is also well known for his corruption ,that man is pushing things even further to reach in to a civil war between Fatah and Hamas in a disgusting way

I don't defend either sides , but Fatah with all the corruption they have inside them ,well I don't trust them

Hamas well I don't like some of its political views regarding certain issues

anyhow the best word I heard about Palestine today was from Ahmed Ragad ,another name get used to reading it frequently here

In his daily "1/2" square

The news of the Palestinians sucks now


  1. Yeah when I read nos kelma last night I felt exactly the same. Ahmad Ragab summed it all in those few words, and unfortunately no one can deny that he is right.

  2. Ahmad Ragab is the best one to sum what the people feel in few words


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