Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Meet the Incredible Hulk of Hounds | the Daily Mail


Meet the Incredible Hulk of Hounds | the Daily Mail

I swear when I had seen the picture of that creature ,I thought that it was kind of quiz picture of the kind : List these animals , I thought that they were several animals that were photoshoped in one photo ,I swear,I could not believe that there is animal that looked this on this earth like that

but it turned out that it is one animal , actually a dog and she calls Wendy and I know that if I met her I would not feel good or comfortable ,in fact I will be scared, come on we are all humans in the end and she looks like some sort of some of a lab experiment that went wrong and got away from its cage to kill and eat all those lab scientists and ran to the wild till someone shot her dead , I am sorry I know I read and watch lots of Sci-Fi

I don't know but I feel that this dog and its genes are not purely doggy if I may say , I mean look to her claws , these are not dog claws ,they look like a horse

anyhow as I read she is a nice peaceful one thank goodness because we can not have a bad dog in such shape


  1. Seems to me the dog has been taking anabolic steroids like body builders ( smile) look at the size of the head in comparison to the growth of muscles, disproportionate
    Dr SR, NY

  2. actually that what i thought when i saw the dog the first time, but since the article mentioned a genetic defect it might simply be that she is lacking myostatic inhibitors.
    On the other hand dogs on juice look far more deformed in my eyes.
    She looks like a lean mean man eating machine

  3. To no_angel: Do you mean low level of myostatin? ( the skeletal mucle growth limiting hormone). i guess that what you meant, that makes more sense. I didnt find in the text anything about myostatic inhibitors. Myostatic in controlled by negative feed back like most hormones. Sorry Zeinobia for that too much core biology
    Dr. SR

  4. howa wa heya yes exactly, (am no MD just brushed over the topic once and recalled the similar picture think it was horse), so essentially his muscles kept of growing.
    especially the fact they mentioned he's lazy (juices changes behavior usually even in animals).
    sorry for the bio deviation above

  5. Zeinobia, What is going on here? Where are you? Dr SR, NY

  6. Oh I COMPLETELY missed your renovation into some summary colors.

    Just wanted to thank you for your kind birthday wishes.

  7. Looks like this comment section has turned into a doggone dog fight!

  8. it seems that I must not leave the blog 24 hours to moderate the comment , oh wait I have the option to moderate the comments but I do not like to use because I like people to comment in
    Look I apologize if anyone was offended especially the Jordanians
    ,also all those who were offended by Mr.Amre
    Now dear Mr. Amr I think you crossed all the lines again and I won't accept this ,please do not come here if you are going to harasse my guests , I won't accept this and please don't let me moderate the comments

    @SR , I am sorry but I thought that I can be away for few hours

    @Vagabond , you described right , it is the best
    @Naj , thanks dear and many happy returns for the day , by the way I am going to change the design soon
