Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Egyptian Rumours: Did Sawiris buy the Cairo tower ??

Ok I heard this rumour and I want a confirmation

"Did Mogul Naguib Sawiris buy the Cairo tower a.k.a Al-Gazira Tower ??"

I know that the tower was leased for some time now to a Lebanese investors and all Cairians know  that last year the tower had undergone huge instauration works , they re-painted again and so on.


Did Sawiris buy the Cairo tower ??

Yay or Nay


  1. On a different note, I am desparetly curious to know about your opinions on Naguib Sawiris.

  2. Please .. :( please ..
    remove your flickr from your feedburner :'(

  3. @Farida, Naguib Sawiris is very controversial example for business man and entrepreneur , sometimes I admire him sometimes I do not know , seriously speaking and I wrote it here before in the blog I do not understand his decisions to invest his money and expand globally in areas like Iraq and in North Korea , the connection between him ,I just do not understand it
    from another view I think he became so a very arrogant , his relations with the Journalists show so especially in the circus he made in the Cairo cinema festival , also I do not like his channel and saying publicly that he intended to make for the high class and of course his useless opinion about the veil ,wise businessmen do not do this , they do not interfere like this ,sometimes I believe he is trying to become Egypt´s Donald Trump but without Rosey !!
    Still he and his family must be respected for what they did in the economy

  4. @Qwaider , consider My flickr feed as my Photo blog


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