Thursday, April 10, 2008

Where is the international community from the Mahalla incidents !!??

Where is the United States administration from what happened in Egypt this week ??

Where is the EU ??

Where is the international community ??

What happened in Mahalla and in Egypt from strike and protests of people who did nothing except expressing their anger and refusal for terrible economic situation is not usual thing !!

Or is the current United States administration only comments when it wants something from Mubarak and he refuses to give it or do it for them !!??

I am sorry but the current United States administration should not come and preach us about democracy ,freedom and the rights of minorities whenever it likes when it ignores something like this !!

This shows us something that we should not depend on outside , we should depend on ourselves inside.

By the way I heard  that the Egyptian Community in the Sultana of Oman planned to have a protest in front of the Egyptian embassy there , I do not know if this true or false but if it is true then I must thank them for their noble feeling

Also I would to thank all our dear Arab brothers and sisters who supported us


  1. There has been a dearth of attention to this. Everyone's more concerned about blowing out the Olympic flame, than starving, underpaid people. Fighting China, and helping Monks, is apparently more "noble." Being ignorant about other countries, and their people's plight is ? I don't have an answer, but it is sad and inexcusable.

  2. The great thing about your postings Zein is that you put the events in it's wider context and recalling the past to understand what is going on , also that you observing the current affairs and covering it from all it's faces and implications.

    You doin' a great job Zein

  3. If I didnt read your blog I would have had no idea of this happening. None of this was on the news here. I'm so sorry things are so horrible there. In case you didnt know food prices are going up here at a very fast pace. Its hard to follow your prices because I dont understand the conversion to us currency..but just so you all know...there is someone that cares. I hate to see anyone suffer. Not all Americans are rich and there is alot of poverty here too. I think America is viewed in ways that are not true just like you all have said about Egypt.
    Are they giving you any warnings about the H5N1? They are not telling anyone here any information. I just happen to be on some blogs about it and trying to prepare.

    Oh and what does PHUH mean?


    egypt -Àgypten
    Hungerrevolte ,
    dear egyptian bloogers.
    write your article too,
    thats one of the famous german newspaper..

    dont give up,fight!!!

  5. @Vagabondblogger, well I got an idea , Egyptians will go out with signs "free Tibet" and someone runs with a Flame where as others trying to putt it off so the people will pay attention to us !!

    @anonymous, thank you

    @Ievy Goddess., I know about the food crisis but in Egypt let's just say it is worse because there is a huge corruption here already , you do not have a monopoly for construction materials by some Republican member close to Bush Family , you do not have an agriculture minister who gave order to plant fancy fruit instead of wheat and you do not have dictatorship system in your country , this is more important !!
    about H5N1 on the contrary the ministry of health is honest till now and I even posted the news about the latest cases

    @German Anonymous, thanks , we will not give up because I think we are the last line

  6. Zein, oh yes there is corruption! Please dont ever think that we don't. Farmers here are growing corn for ethanol for cars NOT food. They forecast a food shortage. The poor here are hungry, and barely getting by on less and less. I wouldnt dare say its as bad here as it is there by no means, but I promise you that people in America do care about people in Egypt. Please keep posting, this is really the only news I get first hand from another country. At least your point of view. I like to hear about things from people and not spun to favor govt or other businesses. Thank you.

    Levy Goddess


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