Tuesday, June 3, 2008

This is a war crime

Oh boy we are in the sad June with its terrible memories regarding our slayed POWs and Civilians in the desert Sinai and here we are with this new scandal , which I am not surprised at all to know about.

Thank God that people now speak and confess

Please check this confession from an American Soldier regarding what the U.S army does with the Iraqi and Afghani civilians dead bodies .

There should be an international investigation about these crimes.These are war crimes by all measures


  1. That is terrible, yet if i was in their position i would most likely carry one myself. At 18/19 if you accidentally kill a civilian, as is highly likely in that form of street warfare where civilians and soldiers look exactly alike, the guilt would be enough to ruin my life, without prison thrown in as well. Think about it.

    They carry them as precautions, not so they can go out and kill people willy nilly and then just throw a couple of weapons on them.

  2. @m raliegh, still being 19/18 and civilians look like militias do not justify the right to end the civilian lives in that way because also these lives are also ruined

  3. I never once suggested anyone had the right to end anyones life.

    What i suggested was that at 18/19 you have made a ver easy to make, and terrible mistake, one that will live with you for the rest of your life, and that the guilt would be punishment enough without prison ruining the rest of your life.

  4. @m raleigh , with my all respect do you believe that guilt feelings only with a jail or punishment is enough for 18/19 years ??
    my dear sir this is in a perfect world , not in our real world
    if he is not punished for ending the live of civilians ,he will continue to do this in his military life , if there is no real punishment for him , he will consider the lives of others are too cheap


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