Friday, August 29, 2008

Yellow is better colour than Orange !!

The health ministry brought new fleet from ambulances , they are fully equipped,modern and orange.

Yes it is no longer like our regular traditional white ambulance but Orange ambulance.It is not a strange thing because abroad ambulances use the bright colours and retroreflector patterns for the maximum visual impact , the colour used mostly now either yellow or orange.

I saw the photos and videos of the new ambulance and I do not like its orange colour , I understand they were made by VW , but I just hate this colour.

Already I believe Yellow was better and I once read that Yellow colour helps people to calm down.

Anyhow I hope that those Ambulance regardless of their colour arrive where they are really needed just in time !!

The ministry of health and population on the net :


  1. Hello there,

    This is going to sound a bit weird but I need your help. Which mobile network starts with 166 in Egypt? I've got a friend there and I would like to top her phone up. I found your blog by typing egypt 166 mobile networks which brought up your post about Egypt Mobile Network wars. LOL. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. Ya habiba, ana ba7eb awi el blog elbita3tik... Well, my Egyptian is not so good, but i just wanted to tell you i support most of the things you do. I do also maintain high hopes for a better future :))


  3. If someone's just been run over, I'm not sure the ambulance color is going to calm them down in any noticeable fashion. You may be confusing popular wisdom about airplane interiors with ambulance colors.

  4. @machange, first sorry for the late reply ,second thanks , third are you sure from 166 ??we do not have a mobile phone network with that number , may be 016 but not 166

    @Itxa, thank you so much dear , your Egyptian is fine as far as I can see :)

    @Josef Assad , you got a good point but read this color stuff in several articles , why the firemen wear yellow


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