Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kaddafi’s Roman Holiday

Libyan leader Momar Kaddafi is visiting Italy for the first time in his rule.

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Kaddafi went to Italy and he is sure to make the headlines with his actions and his looks



Kaddafi for sure stole grabbed the attention of the people when he put that black and white photo on his military suit while meeting the Italian. I had not seen a closer shot for the photo when I realized that it was the famous shot of Omar Mukhtar before his execution by the Italian forces during the occupation year.


And I was right

88388464 It is a huge insult to a great man like Mukhtar to be remembered by a dictator like Kaddafi, I don’t have any doubt that if Mukhtar were live nowadays that he would fight Kaddafi in the same way he fought the Italians.88392260



  1. You conveniently left out of the story that Kadaffi is due to meet in Rome with Libyan Jews who were kicked out of Libya and their descendants. I guess you did not mention this inconvenient fact because it negates your claim that the Arab Jews left their countries of their own accord, out of the blue.

  2. Well I hate to disappoint you but it is not mentioned in our Press or media today , I did not know it except from you , thanks for telling me

  3. OMG he is crazy and weird! I wonder want he smoke?

  4. He is still a crackpot and he will always be a crackpot. Saw him being appointed some sort of African leader. He's African and NOT ARAB thank god. He's weirder than the N. Korean dude.

  5. He is a BIG crackpot QUEEN! =D

  6. @anonymous , I believe he smokes hashish

    @anonymous, yes he is more weirder and more dangerous than the N.Korean dude,he used to be an Arab but he used to get rid from his Arabic roots coz Arabs are not that good to have him so he used to be head for Africa and to be its king of kings !!

    @Ice , does this refer to something most of us do not know !!??

  7. Not really, he's a big homo!

  8. I heard about this before but is it based upon his looks

  9. Haram guys. It's not nice to make fun of the mentally challenged/disabled, even if they are in charge of some stupid desert people that can't revolt against him. He's obviously not right in the head. But the rest of the world is even more insane for allowing him to rule and control a nice chunk of the global oil supply.

    Why hasn't Egypt staged a coup and invaded this country. Think of the jobs some of those unemployed 80 million could benefit from. Not to mention oil revenues for the Pharoah and friends :P

  10. the Arab people is people ruled by psychos.

  11. I of David direct line of Tamar

    I won't get to the bottom of it..

  12. @anonymous#1 , we had a little war with him in the late 70s I believe , I once asked myself this question ,well to be honest I could not find an answer except that he is profitable to the pharaoh and friends !!

    @Bastawisi , ok

    @anonymous#2,I do not get it !!


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