I know that I am lazy and I should have written this post from couple of weeks ago when the Fath so called Revolution 40th celebrations were the talk of world after all it was not usual to see all those guests especially from the west celebrating with Qaddafi , the same man they fought for 40 years.
40 Years had passed and the Libyan policies have been changing in the same way the moods of Qaddafi have been, from socialism to capitalism, from East to West , from Arab nationalism to African nationalism, from a colonel who downed a monarchy to the king of kings of Africa.
Thank you for giving me another reason to dislike Nasser. Seriously, its not their fault its our fault.
ReplyDeleteAnon There is little question that Qaddafi is an egotistical nutcase. I don't quite understand your comment- What is the fault and who is "their"
ReplyDeleteI wish all of you anonymous commenters (bloggers)would adopt a nom de plume so that I could distinguish one from the other. How can we be sure that the anonymous you is consistent in his or her beliefs? Individuality is what sets us apart. Be brave!
@Misrscribe: Its not up to you to tell me how to present myself. We show our individuality through our thoughts first and the names are not what really counts. And what's with the "be brave" and how can we be sure if the anon you is consistent?! Are you analyzing me or discussing the post?! I choose to comment as an anon sometimes and some other times with an alias, its up to me and you can simply ask me if im the 1st anon for e.g.
ReplyDeleteI meant its our fault, the ppl in the region because we allow such incompetent figures to rule us. We switched on the "complaining" button and that's it, the majority are afraid and silent and we all know that change will not come by being silent.
To anon. Thank you for the clarification. Sorry I pushed your button. I confess that I too have ocassionally gone the Anon route. Not in this forum however. The last sentence in your latest came from the heart and is the awful truth. You are speaking of your leaders but too many of them use religion and hate of perceived enemies as the glue that binds their followers and silences their opponents.
ReplyDeleteSalaam alayakum
Too many good muslims have remained silent out of fear while their religion has been hijacked by terrorists and other power seekers. It is the hijackers that give Islam such a bad name in the West. We have a sustantial number of Muslims in America and they were and are free to practice their religion and were respected not feared.They lived in peace and had better lives than they had in their own lands. Things changed after 9/11. The failure of their leaders to clearly condemn the terrorists and the fact that some of them even supported the incredible idea that the Israelis or the American Government perpetrated the act raised doubts in the minds of Americans. I argued a few years ago with a very successful well informed devout Muslim who still does business in Iraq snd the Gulf about the lack of condemnation and he justified the stance on what I would call a "judge not lest ye be judged" position that can be found in the Koran as well as the Bible. To use this argument is nothing but sophistry that is intended to cover the fact that many good muslims remain silent because they fear for their lives and their families. After all good Muslims are being murdered every day by ruthless power seekers and/or radical religionists who want to throw their countries and peoples back into the dark ages. Remarkably many good people are also able to rationalize the whole mess and blame it on the Jews.If Israel were to go away tomorrow the same terrible leaders who silence all opposition in the Middle East would quickly create another enemy to distract their subjects.
Salaam Alayakum
@anonymous, it is ours for sure to accept that kind of rulers all those years.
ReplyDelete@Miscribe,with my all respect we do not speak about those terrorists and how they hijacked Islam, we are speaking about those dictators the West supported to serve their interests in the area for all those years depending on our silence for fear these dictators power like the Shah of Iran , you focus about the last 20 years with the rise of radicalism which if I am not mistaken was supported by the America and the CIA in its war against the Soviet where as our problem here goes for a whole century
@young activist , he had changed Libya but from bad to worse