Friday, October 16, 2009

In Its Annual Time !!

After a visit to Sheikh Ziad city in 6th October governorate with some family members and on the way home in about 5 :30 PM CLT, I saw the sky as it were going to have to some sort of dust storm , it was cloudy and dusty but there was now dust in the air.

Then I understood what was going when I was on Al Mehawar and began to see the smoke coming from the farms below ; it seems the season of rice wastes burning has started !!!!

Black smoke

It is not obvious here as I took in a car with my iPhone Camera.

Of course the smoke does not come from the farms on both sides of the highway only but also when I reached Giza , I found something was being burnt on the left , I do not know if it is garbage because its was coming from its previous location.

The making of a black cloud

You know this makes a perfect sense , this is the annual time of the black cloud which the government promised its citizen that it would disappear !!

Did not the government tell us that there will be fines on the farmers who will burn their rice wastes in the air ??

What about this awful black smoke in Giza near the garbage dumpster ?? Is this the new , cheap and fast solution to get rid from the garbage !!?? Do we have to create a new problem to solve an existing one !!??


  1. الساعة 11 ونص، في الحي المتميز وانا خارج من الشغل، فوجئت بالجو برا عامل ازاي... السحابة المنيلة السودا رجعت تاني زي زمان. كنت ببقى خارج بليل ف شارع التحرير من محيي الدين ابو العز والغيوم مالية الشارع ومغطية على اضواء اعمدة الانارة! بجد مصيبة لا ادري كيفية التغلب عليها. الجو امبارح عند الشغل، كان مغيم تماما على مرمى النظر لدرجة انه على الطريق الواصل من اكتوبر لحد المحور، الطريق مش متشاف بوضوح لسائقي السيارات! زي الشبورة وكان واضح اكتر بالليل، وبالاضافة لكده كان في درجة عالية من الرطوبة مش زي كل يوم! بين يوم وليلة يحصل كل ده :(

  2. Why don't they ship Cairo's massive garbage to the middle of the Western Desert. Just creat a huge landfill in the middle of the desert since there is nothing else to do with it. Too many people and too much garbage.

    Two words: Birth Control

  3. @Ghafari , strangly no one spoke about that night in the media

    @anonymous, there are many ways to dispose the garbage and get benefit from it but there government seems to be uninterested despite the money and effort we save !!
    One word : Recycling


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