Friday, October 9, 2009

Peace On Nobel Peace Prize

And President Obama has not become the first African American President of the United States but also the first President to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in the first year of his first Presidential term !!!  Here is the official announcement from the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
Does anyone else agree that it is too early to give Obama such important prize ?? I mean why not to wait more to see what he is going to do , what he had done in the past months is not enough with my all due respect to the Choice of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
These are the most significant things Obama has done in the past few months related to Peace :
  1. He spoke in a historical speech directed to the Islamic world from Cairo , still in the end these are just words , talk and the Egyptian Proverb says “ Talk is free !!” 
  2. He wants the Israelis to stop building those ugly settlements and he also wants to restore the Peace Process , he wants but he does not do anything to force the Israelis to stop building those ugly settlements.
  3. He scrapped that missile defense system in Europe stopping another round of the cold war , already honestly I do not know if he did it to win Russia in his size or because of the economic woes in his country.
  4. He lifted the travel restrictions between Cuba and United States !!
  5. The States began to talk to countries like Syria and Libya more often.
  6. He has a vision of a world without Nuclear weapons “Why do not you start with your backyard and we will follow !!??”
For sure his tune is completely different than Bush’s drums of war but still this is just the start and it is simply fixing the damage Bush has done and honestly he has a lot to do in  this issue. Actions more than words are important to me
To be honest I think Obama will deserve this prize if he does the following :
  • Withdraws from Iraq.
  • Withdraws from Afghanistan.
  • closes Guantánamo Bay prison camp.
  • Sues the Bush administration for war crimes.
I will not ask for fair Peace in the Middle East because this is something he can’t do at least with the current Arab leaderships in the region.
Now you can participate in that Poll by Meedan about Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.I also recommend this wonderful post by my dear friend Tarek : Who should take the Nobel Peace Prize next year from the Middle East ??
Now the Egyptian Twitterville is among the world twitterivlles that is helping Obama and his prize to become a trending topic in twitter , most Egyptian tweets express the wonder on why he would be rewarded by the Nobel Peace Prize. I think this question will be asked frequently.
Anyhow Congratulations to Obama and hopefully he will understand its responsibilities unlike  Shimon Perez.


  1. I like your take on this and I like your suggestions about ways that he could "earn" this prize. So far in my opinion he has just been awarded the prize, he has to take many many steps to earn it and to really do good by it.

    Kudos to you for posting this. And for highlighting the fact that Obama alone cannot bring peace to the ME...
    I hope that he doesn't disappoint the world.

  2. I agree with you, he's done nothing to warrant such a prize. It just goes to show you that the Nobel Peace Prize isn't worth anything anymore.

    He would deserve it if he followed the 4 points you listed below. Or if he was even able to actually settle the Israeli-Muslim (not Palestininan) problem once and for all. But he hasn't done anything really. His speech was just empty talk.

    He is on the same path and following the same agenda Bush was but he's easier to tolerate on the tv screen. Entire world is run by crooked members of private clubs etc. Totally bogus.

    What a joke the Nobel Prize has become. Next they will give it to Ehud Olmert for killing Lebanese civilians and Bibi the Crook Netanyahu.

  3. Ya same thing i thought what he had done in the past month.....well i am not happy..

  4. I am glad that you look at the whole situation not only ME Conflict because it's one share of many problems caused by USA in the past. Anyway what is important -and here I agree with you 101%- is taking responsibilites to achieve the meaning behind this prize.

  5. I am really happy for you and i can say i have more than one reason to clap for you...


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