Saturday, November 28, 2009

Arabia Cinema’s What really happened between Egypt and Algeria Documentary

Here is the full the documentary produced by Arabia Cinema production company which I hinted to before. The documentary chronicles the Algerian attacks before and after the two match from an Egyptian view with English subtitles. By the way this documentary is  from a very radical biased Egyptian view and I am not ashamed to say it because it is natural thing ; all what we see from Algeria is radical biased view to what happened in those two weeks. Honesty makes me say that there is a scene which is from a clip unrelated to the sorrowful events that followed the match in Khartoum , which is the scene of those young men beating another young man.

Egyptian actress  and writer Isaad Yunis ; the CEO of the Arabia Cinema production company has been very vocal against Algeria after the attacks of Khartoum to the  level that her company has boycotted the Algerian film festivals and cinemas not to mentions directors and actors too till we receive an official proper apology for what had happened. Isaad Yunis is currently being criticized for her statement that she was a proud of her pharaonic ancestry.
Back to the documentary , well I believe it is a nice attempt despite being biased ; one of the problems that has weakened our position is that we did not document our version of the story like the Algerian football team and hooligans.


  1. It's interesting that you're one of the people who support Arabism, and still take this attitude towards Algerians and demand an apology from them and not talking about the Egyptian mistakes. A lot of the arabist people keep using the argument of them and us which I find really strange!

  2. I invite you to read deeper into this tragic incident in search for the truth without bias.I think you would see the light, the pre-medidated assaults by an organized Algerian melitia, not only seeking football victory, but evidently targeted towards a secret political agenda.

  3. Did Algeria received an official apology from Egypt after what they did in Cairo?? NO
    So why are you waiting for an official apology from us??
    And don't Egyptians have better things to talk about than just Algeria???
    Move on...The world is really laughing at you.


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