Monday, August 23, 2010

ElBaradei To The Egyptian People : Boycott The Parliamentary Elections

Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei has called his follow Egyptians to boycott the coming parliamentary elections which will be held in next November , his call is not a surprise because the man has been clear since day one that he will not participate in any charade held by that regime and what a charade the elections are in Egypt !!

Dr. ElBaradei is not the first politician to call the Egyptians to boycott the elections and his theory is that boycotting the elections will be the first step towards the civil disobedience not to mention in perfect circumstance boycotting the parliamentary elections will create a constitutional crisis that can down the regime itself ; again this is in perfect utopian circumstance and as long as all opposition parties and groups besides independent candidates participate in the elections there is no hope to create a serious constitutional crisis for the NDP if I am not mistaken.

But how can the Egyptian people boycott the parliamentary elections if they are already boycotting it !!?? The majority of the Egyptian people do not have or plan to have a voting id in the first place while the votes of the minority that has a voting id are not counted !!

How can we boycott an election that its results is already made and tailored !!?? Even if we boycott it , this regime will not find hard to fabricate the results as it always does and we all remember what happened in the last Shura elections for God Sake !!

Whether we go or not , the NDP will win, whether we go or not , the NDP will form the next Cabinet.

This is my dilemma , this is my question ; what is the use !!??

I support Dr. ElBaradei and I understand why he wants us to boycott the elections , still this is not Lebanon but rather Egypt. This is a shameless regime that does not care for its image abroad nor inside , this is a shameless regime that is fighting for its survival madly so I hope Dr. ElBaradei to address this matter more widely and tell us as Egyptians how to boycott the elections for real or even better why !!? I got a Voting id and I fear if I do not go that my vote will go to the NDP candidate.

Boycotting the elections will not stand against the NDP to a give a legitimate touch to their fraud.

Dr. ElBaradei is going to spend the last 10 days of Ramadan in Egypt if I am not mistaken.

P.S Badawy of Al Wafd is speaking of a boycotting possibility after rejecting this talk months ago !!


  1. Maybe passively boycotting the election (staying at home) is not the best thing. Maybe we could try actively boycotting the election (going out in protest against the election while it's happening).

  2. I dnt see how boycotting will solve the problem, unless it was the marking of the start of civil disobedience.


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