Monday, August 9, 2010

Is Not The first Lady Against Child Labor !!??

Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak , Egypt's first lady is known to be vocal against the child labor and the minister of family and childhood affairs Moshira Khateb is keen to reminds us that she works against child labor in the country according to the first lady's direction.
Child labor
Knowing how important the first lady's directives in the country , I wonder why the Giza , Cairo , Helwan and October governorates do not follow these directives when they hired  kids between the ages of 10 to 15 years old to clean the deadly ring road and Al Mehwar road in summer time !!!?? made a scoop , a real scoop when their journalist Khaled El-Barmawy wrote a series of reports with photos and videos about those kids who clean these highways in this extremely hot weather while watching other kids heading with their families to resorts in the North Coast.
It is a modern day slavery when you look to it ; 16 kids from Mania governorate come to work in this extremely hot weather to clean very dangerous highways for 20 LE per day. They came from their governorate living and sleeping together in one room in a flat near by their work ; their supervisor sleeps in the other room. Forget about safety , forget about their health , they work for a month or even more to get LE 600 for their families back in Upper Egypt.
Whoever hired them knows that he is breaking the child labor laws because when El-Barmawy asked the kids about their ages they all answered 15 years even those who looked much younger than that.
It was a bad coincidence that a kid from those kids  have been killed in a car accident when he tried to cross suddenly the Mehwar highway along with his friend who was badly injured at the same time this report was online.Strangely the man who hit him felt for the young boy more than all those official authorities responsible for that kid's death for real .
Here is the series of reports from Masrawy :
  1. Masrawy opens the file of child labor : Some go to Marina , other go to the ring road.
  2. Masrawy opens the file of child labor : They buy Egypt's childhood for LE 20 !!
  3.  What we have warned from : The murder of forced labor kid
Hats off to Masrawy and Khaled El-Barmway to speak about the matter when everybody is putting his head in the sands. El-Barmwy has reported the incident to the authorities and up till he has not received no answer except that the 6th October governorate does not have child labor in its borders !!
Again where is the saint patron of Childhood in Egypt ?? I wonder !!??
Photo credit :


  1. I didn't know about this - I've saw very young kids working but not on the roads before. Very sad indeed.

  2. Zeinobia aren't you gonna blog about Nasrallah's speech and about his "evidence"?

    I must admit I'm disapointed. I was expecting him to remind us all that the Jews, I mean Zionists, also assassinated JFK, MLK and Elvis Presley.

  3. It would be interesting to find out more information behind the cleaning project. Who hired them, who supervised them, how much they were paid, who they are, what are their living conditions, how much they need the wages to survive, what would they be doing without this small revenue, where would their next meal coming from etc...

    On the other side of things, in some countries kids, from every walk of life, at 13, 14 and 15 work through legitimate companies that would hire them with the parents' authorization, coach them and supervise them, as an entrepreneurship training debut, during the summer. They would sell small items door to door in their neighborhood, supervised by adults waiting for them in a van with a very clear sign stating Young entrepreneurs with a legitimate address and telephone number.

    Other kids at 12, 13, 14 etc go around the neighbourhood gardens,by their own initiative, with the parents' knowledge, and market their skills for grass cutting in the summer, and snow shoveling in the winter.

    Other kids at 15 deliver the papers by bicycle at 5 am in the cold..It is not considered child labor but considered responsible and mature. Some save for their later college education, some help out with the groceries at home.

    Some are working in the terrible heat and some in the devastating cold. It is considered another type of education.

    Those that go on holidays with their families may be learning about responsibility much later or.. never..

    These kis may be the only source of income in a poor family.

  4. Do you think those roads are going to sweep themselves??!!!


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