Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Old Mubarak’s Excuse

Joe Biden is known for his stupide useless remarks , they are his trademarks but honestly that Old Mubarak excuse is not that funny.

May be if Biden respected Mubarak for real , he would not use his name in that not so funny way. If the call was that important , he would not laugh about it to justify his tardiness


  1. Your really need a hobby!

    'fill in the blank' then the word 'excuse' is an AMERICAN IDIOM used in sarcasm and in jest to describe a not so ordinary situation i.e. speaking with a WELL RESPECTED world leader over the phone and making it ordinary/matter of fact.

    1 It has nothing to do with Mubarak's age, he meant the EXCUSE its self as being old/overused.

    2 He was SHOWING off! In a matter of fact manner that speaking to IMPORTANT world leaders is part of everyday life of being VEEP!

    Zeinab you really need to slow down and smell the coffee, I will save you a seat next to me ISA at Gamal's Inauguration Party be isn ilah!

  2. Hi Sayed Koteb, your explanation of what Biden meant is correct in every respect. "That Old Mubarak excuse" has nothing to do with Mubarak's age. (I think Zeinobia knew that.)

  3. Oh I highly doubt that...her trigger happy finger wouldn't have pressed publish otherwise, as the comment in-of-itself is a nonissue unless misunderstood!

  4. I do not expected of the NDP's Sayed Qotb to show me any respect , what do you expect from a person who calls someone like ElBaradei as a clown just because he has a different opinion.


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