Ok here are the latest updates from Tunisia and the world after the political earthquake that took place in Tunis yesterday , it is just crazy , there is an update every moment. ‘A vegetable seller brings down a dictator’ , ‘ The slap that brought down a whole regime” in reference to the slap of the municipal employee to Mohamed Bou Azizi that led to his suicide and “Too late to understand the people” in reference to the famous last words Ben Ali said in his last speech; these were the main headlines in the newspapers today.
In another victory to the Tunisian people well , Mohamed Ghannouchi is no longer the acting president as Fouad Mebazaa has become the acting president as the constitution states , it is a blow to the remains of Ben Ali’s regime that are still trying to stand against the storm taking place there. Mebazaa promised an early elections and a national unity cabinet from all political parties headed by Ghannouchi. There are negotiations according to our knowledge through out the world with Tunisian political parties and figures. Tunisian opposition figures from liberals,Islamists and communists are packing their bags to return back to Tunis as soon as the airports open its door yet.
According to the available information it turned out that the looting and violence taking place in the country is the handmade of the presidential security apparatus. The head of the presidential security apparatus is trying to escape to Libya , there is currently a little fight in the borders between the general who headed that force and the Tunisian army along other corrupted figures who are trying to flee the country to Libya. The army and the citizens are trying to arrest the these corrupted figures. The first son in law of Ben Ali “not Materi” was arrested after killing his first aide while trying to flee the country.
There were fires in several prisons across the country , many prisoners have been killed , it is unclear what happened except that some prisoners tried escape but failed. The Tunisian hospitals are asking for blood.
The Tunisian artists who were accused of being hypocrite to the Ben Ali regime are defending themselves insisting that they had been terrorize and intimidated by the former regime figures; Hend Sabry said that she did not sign any plea to Ben Ali to have another presidential term , in fact she found Belhassan Trabelsi calling her in Cairo telling her that he added her name in the plea so she would not be surprised. I believe Hend and other artists, I respect the human fear as I have said before. Nothing from Latifa up till now.
Europe is in a very bad position due to its support to Ben Ali , France is in very critical bad position if we are going to speak specifically , the Tunisians will not forget how stood besides their dictator. The American media is discovering Tunisia now.
Moving to Saudi Arabia where the former president Ben Ali and his family are, in a very provoking news not only to the Tunisian people but rather to all Muslims Ben Ali and his family are heading to Mecca to have a Omra !!! God forgive me but I do not expect that God will accept this Omra , you need halal money for Omra !! There is a news that his daughter has reached to Paris.
Unexpectedly Gaddafi who is giving help to the Ben Ali regime to flee the country to the Europe said that these protests in Tunisia are the result of the lack of democracy !!!!
Now moving to Egypt , there is a rumor that Ben Ali asked Cairo for asylum and Cairo said no and it is logic to know why Egypt rejected his plea , Mubarak does not need more trouble. Officially the Egyptian ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement about the revolution where it assures Egypt’s respect to the well of the Tunisian people and trust their judgment . Egypt Air has canceled flights to Tunisia till further notice. People in Egypt are extremely happy so happy wishing that this happens in Egypt sooner than later. Today our building security guard told us that he wishes that we will be next. Jokes about Mubarak and his fear after the Tunisian revolution are taking the Egyptian internet cyber space by storm. Hamdeen Sahbi made a video congratulating the Tunisian people wishing that the same would happen in Egypt. On behalf of all Egyptians Mohamed ElBaradei congratulates all Tunisians for lighting the road to us. There is a huge security on the Tunisian embassy due to the solidarity protests which calls Mubarak for resigning and following Ben Ali’s step.
The league of Arab states respected the well of the Tunisian people and Amr Moussa said that the country is starting a new era. The next Arab summit Baghdad will miss another Arab dictator.
The Yemeni people also protested in Sana'a with Tunisian flags demanding Saleh to do the same like Ben Ali before he turns the country in to another Somalia or another Afghanistan.
You can watch Al Jazeera live through Live Station website , up till now Al Jazeera has an outstanding coverage for the Tunisian revolution. France 24 and Al Arabiya’s coverage are not bad. I can’t keep up with all the great rapid updates from Tunis the brave
More to come insh Allah
اسباب نجاح التوانسة
ReplyDeleteاولا الذي فجر الثورة شاب متعلم و عاطل أراد ان يكسب عيشه من بيع الخضار فتصدت له شرطية تونسية بالصفع و البصق علي وجهه
لم يقبل وربما لم يستطع البوعزيزي العيش مع هذا فاشعل النار في نفسه احتجاجا و مات فانطلقت المظاهرات
لاحظوا اهمية التعليم لإدراك المواطن حقوقه ورفضه للظلم و الفساد
ثانيا غباء النظام الدكتاتوري كالعادة ووصفه للمتظاهريين بالإرهابيين واستعماله للرصاص في صدور المتظاهريين المطالبيين بالوظائف وتفويت الفرصة لارضائهم بوعود يمكن بسهولةالرجوع عنها لاحقا
بدون ان تكلف النظام الدكتاتوري غير الكلام
ثالثا القائد الحكيم للجيش عمار رشيدي والذي رفض مشاركة البوليس التونسي وإطلاق النار علي التوانسة
رابعا العناد من بن علي و التمسك بإكمال مدته الرئاسية مما شجع المتظاهريين علي النزول بمئات الآلاف وبكل الفئات للشاررع مما. رفع من سقف المطالب و جعل من مهمة الغنوشي خليفة بن علي شبه مستحيلة
الملخص: ثقافة المتظاهر و غباء الدكتاتور وشهامة الجيش
هم اسباب النجاح في الخلاص من اي دكتاتور
اذا انعدمت ثقافة المتظاهر فانت في مصر
واذا كان الدكتاتور ذكيا فانت في السعودية
واذا انعدمت شهامة الجيش فانتفي الجزائر
Fouad is the very same authoritarian breed as Ben Ali. He is not the change Tunisians are fighting for.